Sure! Under normal circumstances, I would say I’m an idiot, but I try to be understanding with myself. I’m already explaining what’s going on. As I wrote before, it was probably because of vitamin B12 that I could start jogging at a good pace. For the first time in 6-7 years, running was so good and unfortunately it turned out to be too much for my body. My mistake was that I couldn’t stop; it was too strong for me. Well, as I wrote before: it was a really beautiful and unnoticed feeling for a long time. My legs were really strong and fast again. Anyway, I’ve been in much worse shape for the last few days, by which I mean strong brain fog, anxiety, a drop in libido and sexual ability to 0, as well as severe pain around the adrenal glands. Basically, this adrenal pain is the best indicator of my health in recent years. If adrenal pain worsens, my overall health worsens (especially my brain fog). I experienced this pain for the first time in 2016 and was then very scared that I had Addison’s. I did some tests that didn’t show that I had Addison or Cushing - unfortunately I didn’t have the cortisol synacthen test because in my country such tests are performed in a hospital where I was not referred. My doctor decided that my tests (electrolytes and morning blood cortisol) and symptoms (no yellow skin tone) showed no Addison’s. After five years with more or less severe pain in the adrenal glands (I am writing about the adrenal glands, not the spine or kidneys, because this pain only increases when I am excessively stressed and exercise - similarly it decreases when I am relaxed and stress-free) I think that however, it is some form of adrenal insufficiency that is difficult to control. I think if it were Addison, after the first severe pain in 2016 and not having “treated” the disease for 5 years, I would have been dead long ago.
In any case, I am still a moderate optimist. I guess in the next 3-4 days my body will recover a bit and I will be able to continue exercising, but I need to exercise really lightly. 10-15 minutes of light jogging each day should benefit me. I just have to find a balance. Not exercising is bad for me, but too much is worse.
PS. congratulations on winning the european championship. Sad you can’t enjoy it as you should.