does anyone know of any antidepressants that do not have sexual side effects?

I’m seeing my doctor on Thursday to get my testosterone results. When i first visited him regarding this problem he tried to prescribe me an antidepressant to help with my low moods ive been experiencing. Ive actually had these moods for many years, long before taking finesteride. The impact of finesteride has just increased them.

I straight away refused the drug as i couldn’t bare the thought of another drug damaging me again like finesteride. If there are any of these drugs that are not likely to have these effects then i may consider one. With the help of an anti depressant drug and some counselling it may be a step in the direction and make my post finesteride situation slightly better.

Mew, if you could reply too would be great, sounds like you have a lot of knowledge in this area


I would avoid SSRIs entirely (just my opinion) and instead focus on:

  • Cleaning up diet (eating healthy… lots of fruits, veggies, lean meats)
  • Excercise (cardio + weight training)
  • Sunshine/Vitamin D
  • Supplementing with OMEGA3s (fish oil)

Omega 3s have been found to act as natural anti-depressants. Plus, they assist with neurotransmission and neuronal repair. I implore you to read the following study:

Note the dosages used on pg 10 in various studies for depression. It may take a few months to notice improvements.

Thanks Mew, i shall apply these. I do eat decent food just not consistently enough. And I certainly should get into exercise thats for sure, i really dont do enough.

Well I got back from the doc today to obtain my blood work results. He yet again mentioned anti depressants and prescribed me one called Escitalopram. You’re probably right about staying away from these drugs, though it may help with depression, i should research more into it…

You might also want to investigate St. John’s Wort, which can act as an anti-depressant (but may also have side effects/interactions with other medications). Do your research.’s_wort

Yeah this could be a good and more safe alternative. Ive read however that it could possibly cause hair loss though its not proven, do you know anything about this?

No idea, not that I really care about hair loss anymore.

I am also considering the natural supplement 5HTP to help with moods, though I’ve read in a few reviews that it can cause a lowered libido… hope not!