Now I’m not trying to get all incel with this or have a pity party, but it’s something I’ve really noticed. Both when I was on Fin and before that, I found that occasionally girls were into me. I wasn’t Casanova, but I did alright.
In the 3.5 years of PFS, it’s felt like the complete opposite. I go out with friends fairly regularly and just find I virtually never have that spark with women nor feel like they’re digging me.
Now I don’t want to blame it all on Fin, as I find it very easy to put all my woes on it. I am 28 now whereas I was in my early 20s then. However, I think it is a bit warranted where it pertains to androgens. Is it possible that my body not processing testosterone makes me less appealing to the opposite sex?
This might be one of the more frustrating things I’ve felt in recent years. Beyond even libido or erectile issues, I just can’t even build up to the point of intimacy with someone to the point I’d feel comfortable telling them what I’m going through.