Does any body knows accutane + 5 ARs--------->?

I want to know how accutane looks like after binding 5 ARs with it. Does it become something like DHfinasteride or some thing else. DHfinasteride and DHtestosterone look very similar.

Also does accutane binds 5ARs permanently like finasteride does?
any body, biologist ,Scientist etc. I need to know this.

You said any body. I’ll try to answer the best I can.

I’m pretty sure accutane (isotretinoin) doesn’t bind and deactivate 5AR1 the way finasteride does 5AR2. It appears to inhibit 5AR through a different mechanism:

(isotretinoin/accutane is a form of retinoic acid)

this might be of interest to u… not sure of the truth behind it tho…

thanks bryce and Dubia.
I still want to know the structure of Acutane+5AR----->?

just any one?

Hi Guys

I need to know what the accutane looks like after binding 5 ARs.?
I know about finasteride and saw palmetto but not about Accutane.
since finasteride and saw palmetto (betasitosterol) look a lot like testosterone , they bind easily 5 ARs with them but Accutane has different structure so how it binds to 5 ARs.

Use Google Scholar and Google Books to find the answer to your own questions.

This isn’t an Accutane forum, btw.

I tried but could not find any so far.I think every body knows it is not an Accutane forum but it will help us how accutane works as a 5 AR inhibitor.

Someone purporting to be a mod from a site like PH likened accutane side fx with fin side fx. Given how proprietary we are about pfs, i take it this person is a mod at another fin site (?).

yeah. he seems to be Mew.

It’s not me and that msg is 2 years old.