Hello, new to the forum here but wanted to reach out. Want to catch up on all the great info here so I will be soon that in the weeks to come. First wanted to ask about any doctors in the NYC region who specialize in propecia side effects as well as administering full hormone profiles. Thanks in advance!
Thank you!
I’ve been in touch with this guy, he’s very expensive.
I was wondering if there’s a more affordable one.
Paying $600 for a visit won’t be easy at all.
Pay Jacobs $600 or give someone who likely never heard of or believes there is PFS $250? Seems a simple enough choice. There are only a handful of doctors worldwide who attempt treatment. Some of the other guys add an additional thousand or so to that $600 to fly out to see him. At least you won’t have that expense.
Jacobs is very good in the sense that he recognizes the problem and will work with you in trying to treat it and the symptoms. That said, this doesn’t mean by any long shot he will cure you. He can help you get meds that may alleviate some of the side effects thou. I had a consultation with him and he was fairly helpful with getting some tests done and giving me some meds to help control the anxiety/insomnia but ultimately I still have PFS and it cost me a few thousand after everything was done.
One thing I would say is don’t even bother with psychiatrists, the minute you mention anything remotely resembling depression (assuming you have this side effect) they will dig into their little book of pre-concieved treatments for depression start going down their list of anti-depressants. Since our depression most likely lies in hormonal, particularly androgen issues your standard shrink will not have much luck here. I had one who basically would listen to me but I am sure everything I said about the disease went in one ear and out the other. It’s very hard for doctors today it seems, to admit there is something that they and medical science can’t understand, so what he did was when one drug wouldn’t work he would try another and another. I did some research and many of the drugs he tried on me were ones used for drug resistant depression (Abilify, depakote) these were pretty horrible especially the abilify which made me utterly, insanely fatigued, even more so than PFS already made me. I couldn’t stand for more than 10 mins at a time when I was taking that shit. After a few weeks of his “treatment” I said to hell with it and stopped seeing him.
I knew it would be like this before I even went to him and I knew it would be a waste of time and money. I went, because my family urged me to because they knew how depressed fina had made me, also I hoped that he might be able to try some different treatments on me like Xyrem… which he wouldn’t prescribe me. So that was just another road I took that went nowhere.
Many of these docs because of their specialized nature, like to treat only area of the side effects and I have spoke with some of them about this. Its likely probable with PFS that if you find the way to fix the “one” underlying problem that is causing the condition you will end up fixing ALL the other side effects along with it.
Well, I think doctors would be very pretentious to even think that they know it all about the human body, and that the limited pool of options/medications/tests/knowledge that they have to treat patients covers all there is.
They probably know what their limitations are, sometimes they look down on us and our attempts to argue, since we are laymen.
It’s like after spending years studying sicknesses they develop this arrogance in thinking that a patient always knows about their sickness less than a doctor.
I think we may not be on the right track, just pursuing hormones, because, though I’m not an expert in medicine, it seems that neurotransmitters have a role that may be more important than that of hormones.
If not, then why when PFS sufferers take Adderall they are able to get orgasms?
Test after test we discover that our hormones lie in the normal range.
I’ve used fresh royall jelly in the past with great results, it’s not working anymore. It’s like our hormones/brains are in the wrong state all the time, when we use a drug, it may change it to another state temporarily, one that we would like to always be in, but the wrong one has resilience, so our body goes back to the bad state like a coil.
I called yesterday and found out the rates. It is very expensive. Do any of these doctors accept insurance?