Doctors/Endos in Brazil

NOTE: This post is complements of the user “Hypo-is-here”. Thanks Hypo!

Also, it is unknown wether these docs have treated anyone suffering from Fin side effects, but a few users requested info on endos in Brazil.

Silvio Roberto Correa, MD, FACE
Av Rio Branco 4332
Umuarama, PR, 87501-130
Phone: 55-44-3622-6393

Interest Areas:
Adrenal Disorders
Diabetes Mellitus
General Endocrinology and Metabolism
Growth Disorders/Growth Hormone
Reproductive Endocrinology
Thyroid Dysfunction

Paulo Osny May, Jr, MD
Avenida Beira Mar Norte 2060
Florianopolis, SC, 88015-400
Phone: 011 4832241111

Interest Areas:
Growth Disorders/Growth Hormone
Lipid Disorders
Reproductive Endocrinology
Thyroid Dysfunction

Givan Cortês Nascimento, MD
Avenida Colares Moreira, Número 555
Renascença II
São Luís, Maranhão, 6507-0550
Phone: (98) 3236-5527

Interest Areas:
Adrenal Disorders
General Endocrinology and Metabolism
Pituitary Disorders
Reproductive Endocrinology

Hermes Pardini, MD
Rua Aimores, 33 - 3 andar
Bairro Funcionarios
Belo Horizonte, MG, 30140070
Phone: 005531-3228-6571

Interest Areas:
Adrenal Disorders
Diabetes Mellitus
Ectopic Endocrine Syndromes
General Endocrinology and Metabolism
Growth Disorders/Growth Hormone
Lipid Disorders
Metabolic Bone Disorders
Nuclear Medicine
Parathyroid Disorders
Pituitary Disorders
Reproductive Endocrinology
Thyroid Dysfunction

Adriano Oliveira Seixas, MD
Rua Dom Constantino Barradas, 120 Apto124
Sao Paulo, Sp, 04134-110
Phone: 11 5068-2633

Interest Areas:
Adrenal Disorders
Diabetes Mellitus
Disease of Pregnancy
Ectopic Endocrine Syndromes
General Endocrinology and Metabolism
Growth Disorders/Growth Hormone
Lipid Disorders
Metabolic Bone Disorders
Nuclear Medicine
Parathyroid Disorders
Pediatric Endocrinology
Pituitary Disorders
Reproductive Endocrinology
Endocrine Surgery
Thyroid Dysfunction

Ieda T. N. Verreschi, MD
Rua Botucatu
740 P.O. Box 20266
Sao Paulo, SP, 04023-900
Phone: 55-11-55791232

Interest Areas:
Growth Disorders/Growth Hormone
Reproductive Endocrinology

Lucio Vilar, MD
Rua Minas Gerais, 64/01
Ilha do Leite
Recife, Pernambuco, 50270-400

Interest Areas:
Diabetes Mellitus
General Endocrinology and Metabolism
Pituitary Disorders
Reproductive Endocrinology
Thyroid Dysfunction

Sympathetic endo in Brazil
I visited an endo here in Brazil today who was both sympathetic and aware of fin-damage. He hadn’t heard of 3 Adiol G but I showed it to him on this site and he immedately wrote out the blood test slip (i.e. he’s open and supportive).

Dr Ricardo da Silva Sa
Rua Farme de Amoedo 75 -cobertura 1
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: +55 21 2287 5666

Any more brazilians who have found sympatetic doctors? I have a friend who wants to visit an urologist with knowledge of the problem.

Algum outro brasileiro visitou mais médicos com conhecimento do problema aqui no Brasil? Gostaria de indicações de bons médicos em todas as regiões do Brasil. Valeu!

YES MY doctor…if theres someone in brazil who can help us…is my doctor…marcia franckevicius …she has 4 different diplomas…and knows everything about everything. seriously no joke here…i feel very lucky to be so close to her and go to college in the same class as her daughter. shes extremely competent. her office is located in sao paulo…@ fleury higienopolis (neighborhood).

Just to let you know. I’ve just seen this Ricardo da Silva Sa and it turns out that he’s pretty much like the other doctors I’ve seen… He’s a nice guy, but at the end he told me not to believe that finasteride could cause such a set of symptoms. He even told me to see a therapist since my problem should be psychological.

Please remove his name from this thread as more sufferers can go visit him after seeing his name here.

when any doctor tells you things like that, offer him to take Fin/SP and tell him that you will pay the cost for meds.