Do your balls keep you up at night?

My balls are causing me a great deal of anxiety. I can feel the emptiness inside them. It’s kinda difficult to explain. Can’t fall back asleep. Can anyone here relate to this? So much stress, anxiety and regret keeping me up at night. Get like one hour of sleep at night and then wake up and the only thing that helps (sometimes) is a hot shower. Anyone experience something similar?

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Same here…They feel dead…Lifeless…Exactly like me

Not me but I have sleep problems which I fix using the anxiety medicine atarax.

Knocks me out

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zzz quil helped but it would make me so sleepy in the morning that I would be late for work. Don’t want to become dependent on it

Any sides to atarax?

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I can’t take zzz quil anymore cause it’s probably more harmful on the brain in long run

No sides I know of Atarax unless you’re allergic.

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Thanks man. I’ll look into it

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Get a doppler and spermiogram and if hormones are ok too you are relatively safe, irrespective of how you feel…

No but my nuts have become so dry and crusty that it’s sometimes painful

Try 5mg cialis to increase bloodflow. If you have a physically observable issue go see a urologist asap…

Before this mess my left testicle used to be big and lumpy and hang lower than
my right. Used to be concerned about it, kinda insecure about it. But now it’s small and shriveled up. My right hangs lower now. Wish it went back to how it used to be

Many have the same…Don’t get fixated in the way things were in the past though. This is a depression hole impossible to climb out of. Testicle size gains are rare. I would be happy to hear about recoveries though.
Unhealthy testicle size is really small so we won’t die (yet).

Irrespective of size testicles are for testosterone and for sperm.
Try to stay within an acceptable metabolic testosterone range. Normal range LH, FSH will keep them balls safe too.

If sperm is affected clomid-hcg helped many to have kids.
Try to find a way forward for yourself…
Don’t obsessively check and look at your balls…
This is the new normal.