I know how hard all this pfs stuff is. I’ve been dealing with it for years like many of you. There’s so many things that create this problem that it’s no wonder we get stuck in it. I don’t believe this is permanent. There are many people who make full recoveries and many who improve slowly over time. I am one of them even if I didn’t believe it at first. There are also those who get worse, which shouldn’t be a surprise. I want to ask you something… how badly do you want to recover? Do you have the willpower to completely revamp your lifestyle?
There are so many things we can do to improve ourselves, and I want to convince you to try one thing that will be hard. Fasting. Many of you have nothing to lose, and many of you have tried everything, like myself. Please, for your own sake, try this. It’s free and it’s so widely successful in chronic disease, and we are just starting to find out some of the benefits. It’s no wonder the scientific community doesn’t speak much about fasting - it makes no one money and it will cure many things. It’s the opposite of what western medicine stands for.
I’m not gonna say it’s easy. The first few days can be hell, and I suggest you ease into a fast with a low carb high fat diet for as long as you need beforehand until you can push your window of eating into smaller and smaller periods (IF to start followed by multiple day fasting)
Refeeding is as important as fasting. Fasting will rebuild recover and rebalance a lot of shit. You want to set the foundation for your post fast body right, so eat right. Nothing processed, eat balanced meals and no more than 3 meals a day. As the quote goes, eat food, mostly vegetables, not a lot.
We are in a state of imbalance. We can get rebalanced, and if you don’t believe that you can get balanced again, well then you’ve identified just one of the problems you need to fix. I’ve seen for years the lack of faith many members have had about their own health. So many have accepted that this thing is permanent without actually knowing anything with 100% certainty. Balance yourself and you will recover. I am sure of it. Balance everything in your life. If you are not “happy” you are not balanced. You should be balanced not only physiologically, but socially, mentally, in your work life, in stress, in love, in nature, in spirit, in every damn thing that makes you a human being. We are not designed to live in the worlds we live in. I don’t think fasting can solve all of your problems, but it will fix you physiologically if you know how to do it properly. Listen to your body, rebuild a balanced body and then work on balancing all of the other things that make you a human.
Just the idea of having a chronic disease like pfs, cfs pas pssd etc will leave you affected. Distance yourself from your negative thoughts and take them only for what they are: thoughts. Not truths. If you can do some long term fasting periodically throughout the next few months, I guarantee you will feel reborn, but you must have balance in all aspects of your life in order to be recovered.
I don’t think many have the strength and willpower to take up recurrent long term fasting and to change their lifestyles to become rebalanced. I dont even know if many have the strength to be their former selves even if they were symptom free. This disease plagues the mind, the body and the spirit. one of the hardest things to recover is our confidence. If you dont have PTSD after a crash then you probably didn’t have full blown pfs. This shit goes very deep, but from my experience and the experience of many others, fasting can fix many of your physical symptoms. It is the closest thing we have to a reset button. You must listen to your body during this time, and you must not stress your body unecesarrilly.
I really hope some of you will find the strength to try and balance yourself again, I believe you can do it. Do you? That’s really the question here, and i dont believe that everyone here believes they can recover at least to a point where life is worth living again. If you really believe you can recover I urge you to commit to a fast right now. You dont have to start this second, but I think the amount of success stories we’d see from this would be greater than any other single treatment, assuming you are able to do it properly and then balance other aspects of your life afterwards.