do you move in your sleep

I installed ‘sleep as android’, for android phones,
And initially i used to put the phone next to my pillow…but this past two nights i put it next to my body, underneath the sheats and it caught noises of me moving every ten minutes or less.

When i wake up i dont remember having moved…
Im wondering if this could be my problem

These movements can be connected to low dopamine…
5htp seems to exacerbate my myoclonies…and serotonin increases, lower dopamine…

Maybe our insomnias have a component of low dopamine.

This app has 14 days for free, could someone try it too and report back?

Everyone moves around in their bed during sleep. This is normal and has nothing to do with PFS.

Hi Mew,

Why do you think its totally unrelated?
Its every 5 to 10 minutes… Seems a bit excessive to me.
Some abnormal movements can come from low dopamine, and dopamine is connected to prolactin
Ill try to do another sleep study and see if spmethibg shows up…

Moving every 5-10 minutes seems quite excessive to me as well. Normal sleep probably includes changing positions every so often, but not excessive movement every 10 minutes. I’ve seem my kids sleep on the couch for 2-3 hours straight without moving!

I have hypnic jerks 5-10 times everynight, its hell. Why does this happen to me?

I just got this watch (called Basis) that records your entire night sleep. It can tell when you are in REM, when you are in deep sleep, light sleep, and when you wake up throughout the night. It records the entire night, every night. I have long believed that my sleep was very poor, and that’s why my brain is always so fogged. We shall see how it goes shortly! The watch just arrived today, so this is my first night with it.

molybedenu, Please keep us posted. I would be curious to track my seep as well. Medicated VS non. I seem to get about 5 hours max un-medicated.

Will do on keeping you informed. I think the watch requires some self calibration. For the first ~1-2 hours it didn’t really know what was going on (lots of “unknown” times), so it will probably require a few more nights to see what’s up. I will say that I seemed to only have a single session of REM last night, though from what I have read, if you are sleep deprived the body will prefer “deep sleep” to REM. I will need more time to get an idea of what’s going on.

I will say that Benadryl seems to knock me out cold, so if you need a safe sleep aid, try 2 benadryl. DO NOT DO IT EVERY NIGHT THOUGH, I started doing that, and it seemed to lose effectiveness in about a week. However, I was doing mentally wonderful for that week.

I say the movements are low dopamine…

fuck this insomnia issue!!!
i had a girl in bed and was so tired I couldn’t perform!!!
seriously fuck this shit!