Do YOU have post-finasteride muscle twitching (BFS) or not?

Do you have post-finasteride muscle twitching (benign fasciculation syndrome)?

  • Yes, I started to experience it ONLY after taking finasteride.
  • No, I had it before.
  • No, I have never experienced it.

0 voters

So let’s make some statistics! Hopefully many members visit this subforum and not only the ones with muscle twitching come here. I’m pretty sure not everyone has it.

What is muscle twitching? Unintentional short contractions of small muscles all around the body’s otherwise relaxed musculature. An example:
It’s also called bening fasciculation syndrome: … n_syndrome

Are you having muscle twitching after taking finasteride? Or did you also have it before? Or you’re lucky and you don’t have it at all? We need the answer as the condition is pretty spread in the normal population and perhaps may even not be related to finasteride – vote and post!

P.S. A suggestion to Mew and other admins: make a new subforum meant for polling, so we can get the statistics going! There we could see a nice list of symptoms and quickly vote, if we have it or not, and it would stick out to the whole community. We probably get pretty flawed results from this vote here, as only a certain amount of people with certain symptoms wander in this subforum.
That kind of subforum would give a good picture very quickly, make everybody rethink their condition and be really practical and perhaps of real use for the scientists. But remember not to give everybody the rights to start polls as there are some pretty labile people here and it may get spammed fast due to the nocebo effect. So somebody has to do some pre-statistics with his own eye and carefully choose the actual probable symptoms. Luckily we already have a nice list of symptoms in the introduction subforum.

Discuss also! Why whould finasteride cause this symptom?

Fanjeera, I am not sure what your obsession is with muscle twitching. Yes it is associated with this syndrome and has been reported by many many members on this forum, including myself. As to the cause, we can only speculate, but a poll to find out the percentage is somewhat silly at this point.

To find out, if we all have it or not or we’re in a minority. Why are people complaining to me that they cannot vote? Did someone close the poll?
Btw, I think I know the reason. It may be depression. When you type in Google “muscle twitching anxiety” you will see many people have it and that’s what’s thought to be the cause. We probably are rather stressed here.