Do you get relief from PFS symptoms when you have the flu?

Do you get relief from PFS symptoms when having the flu or a virus?

  • Yes i feel substantial improvement in all my sides
  • Yes i feel a slight improvement in all my sides
  • No i feel no improvement in my sides

0 voters

I have seen many posts scattered around these boards of people feeling libido return when they have a virus or a flu. I find it quite interesting that TRT cannot bring a PFSers libido back but something like a flu can. So i thought id make a poll to see how many of you see improvement from a flu.

"the first day only i had fever, generally my stomache was upset for more than a week but the 3 first days was hell.I was feeling like i had eaten elephants, very heavy stomache, it was an influenza that many people got it here.
Since i recovered from this, i have morning wood every day, i even woke up during one night because of my wood. I need to masturbate at least 2 times every day. Last saturday i had sex 2 times and later at night i mastaurbated again cause i couldnt sleep.
I feel strange, i m in agony , i m wondering is that it ? Will i continiew tomorrow (every day that passes) to be like that? Or its just a temporary thing?

so after 11-12 days of recovering from flu seems pfs got back
damn! "

“i experience this reaction while having the flu. its quite common around here”

“The only time Mew has ever “recovered” was while he was sick with a stomach virus”

“Ok. So I have had the flu the past 24 hours. I was feeling real good for a few days prior to actually coming down with the symptoms hard core. I actually feel almost 100 percent right now from a PFS perspective. There has to be some correlation here. I feel like my body temperature has been elevated during the past 24-36 hours. My body has completely changed from a pfs perspective as well.
My balls are virtually back to pre fin state, abs are rock solid, all elements of gyno have disappeared. I feel tight. I feel strong”

“I experienced strong libido and erections when i was ill/ flu.”

“About a week ago, I had bad flu, and my temperature rose to 101.9 for roughly 5 or so hours. And, in fact, my libido was surging at this time.
My imagination was running wild in a way that it had not in a very long time”

My awful “throat tightness” symptom goes away when I have the flu, which is a huge relief. But my other symptoms stay the same.

I’m just going to give this a bump.

I have had a cold this past week and have basically been symptom free for the duration.

The cold is nearly gone now and this morning I’ve had a little lightheadedness and some of the headache feelings that are PFS related.

I wonder if other people have any experiences like this that they could share.


My entire life I got about 2-4 viruses a year that gave me lower respiratory colds. Every year, I’ve never not been sick.

Since developing this condition, I have yet to get a cold or sick from a virus. I developed it May 23rd, 2017. Since that date, I have only had strep throat, which was this summer. But remember, that is a much larger invader and bacterial, and replicates much differently than viruses do.

I don’t know if it’s just coincidence because I have completely stopped biting my nails the last 2-3 years and I am a registered nurse so perhaps my innate immune system is adapting. Either way it’s really interesting to think about.

I have read on here before that some people don’t seem to get colds any more.

Do you think your work as a nurse has “supercharged” your immune system as you have been exposed to so many different infections and viruses? Do your colleagues get colds?

As a weird experiment, have you gone out of your way to try getting a cold?

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Yup I had a cold a few weeks ago and felt almost hyper sexual with ZERO mental sides. 12 days after the cold was gone pfs came back. Ive heard theories that pfs could be autoimmune and when the immune system is pre occupied (fighting against a virus) it allows androgens to work better

sigh… more mystery to this already mysterious situation… what’s next?? Does being on your period alleviate or aggravate FPS symptoms?

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Pfs is such a strange condition lol, how can something like this even exist? Its almost comical if it wasn’t so terrifying at the same time. I was a good kid never smoked, never did drugs, rarely drank alcohol. Yet taking a hair loss drug TWICE gave me some sort of rare epigenetic/autoimmune/ whatever hormone insensitivity syndrome. Life makes no sense


Is it possible to create the effect that a virus has upon the body without getting a virus?

As in, could we force our bodies to work in the way that they do when we’re unwell? I’d take blowing my nose a hell of a lot more in exchange for not having my other symptoms.

Maybe it could be done with an immunosuppressant, but i haven’t tried it personally. Fasting also helps because after a fast, during refeeding, the immune system is strongly suppressed (i experienced this personally, after a fast I felt 90% for about a week)

I’m pretty convinced that pfs could be autoimmune, theres plenty of evidence. It seems like most pfs guys don’t get colds, and if they do, it’s really mild. Overactive immune system maybe? My cold only lasted for a few days, while pre pfs they would last for over a week. And i felt hypersexual and euphoric while pre pfs i would be bedridden.

And also alot of pfs symptoms are things you get while sick (fatigue, low libido, pale skin, fragility, bad digestion)

Just a theory though

Also it seems like everything that helps PFS symptoms helps only temporarily, until the immune system adapts to the change. Things like TRT, dht gels, some herbs

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Theres so many mysteries to PFS. At first I thought maybe 5ar isn’t working and thats why we have mental sides (the brain is starved of neurosteroids). But if 5ar isn’t active, why do people like myself feel great with a flu? And if dht isn’t working, why do I still grow facial hair? Why do I still get erections? (even if it takes longer)

The science of pfs is fascinating to me really


It’s a really good question to pose. My entire life I definitely got sick atleast two times a year. Especially in college I was getting sick left and right but also I was biting my nails which is literally inoculating your oral cavity with microbes.

I really have no idea if I’ve super charged my immune system from being a nurse. My hand hygiene is definitely way better from being a nurse so maybe that has something to do with it.

But I will tell you that I have went to the gym, came back, and ate food with my hands without washing them. I have even licked my hands.

Seasonal allergies are still out in full force though.

Actually yeah. Injection of interleukins, interferon, and other cytokines

can you elaborate on your PFS symtoms and how long you had them. and what exactly happened when you came down with a cold

My absolutely best time since i have been having PFS (7 months now) was when i got flu. Libido was through the roof all the time, nocturnal and morning erections were rock hard, orgasm was strong and the pleasure generally was amazing. It lasted a week. Once i got recovered from the flu, PFS hit again.

RIP to the member who made this thread, I watched his videos such a loss. He had a really cool accent I could just listen to all day.

As far as I’ve noticed, I was sick a week ago and it made no difference.

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