Do you drink alcohol?

Do you drink alcohol? Does it have a positive/negative/any effect on your condition?

First time I drank after PFS I had a monster tolerance. No effect really, just slightly dizzy.

Second time was horrible and I had terrible anxiety and depression from it.

The third time, 6 months later, I had an amazing response to it. Mentally felt like a million bucks, back to my old social self in earnest, had all my intelligence and fluency, it was actually amazing. Libido and erectile function too surprisingly. I had a few drinks too many, finished an entire bottle of hard liquor over a couple of hours, and it would’ve been the best night since PFS except I bumped my head and got a concussion. That’s left me with quite a few sides, but I suspect if it wasn’t for that, I’d still be paying with some rebound depression.

I’d say avoid alcohol if you can, I seem to be an outlier in that I responded positively to it at all, and if you decide to have a drink, take it slow, in a good environment and surrounded by supportive people, waiting at least 6 months after your crash and assessing the severity of your condition. I’m avoiding it for personal reasons. My take is that if it helps, I won’t be able to stop as this condition is horrible, and if it doesn’t, I’m hammering my liver for no reason.

YMMV, a few have no trouble with alcohol after a short period of time (about 2-3 months).

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Thanks for the reply, I’m also interested in other people’s experiences, even if it’s to say “same here.” If you’re reading, please comment with your experience no matter how brief.

It might be helpful to find general “rules” we can get consensus on. - Even if they’re established already, having a topic on the subject will make it easier for new people visiting the forum.

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I can still drink and get drunk the same as before, although I don’t so much these days as trying to be healthy. I found that I struggle more with the hangover and that can make you feel extra depressed. I dont know if that just getting older or if it’s the pfs.

It could be a mix of getting older I guess. I was thinking more like an occasional beer with a meal rather than drinking until drunk though.

That’s what happens to me still, but in reverse, after coming off accutane I got drunk easily, 11 months later I can’t get drunk at all, I feel no effect from alcohol but a headache. Very odd

Alcohol makes me feel really good the next day. Right after crash I didn’t get drunk. Now I get drunk, and my mental sides subside a bit the next day. But the day after is a total hell.

Are you saying you get that effect after drinking all night or after just a couple of beers?

after pfs and then floxed by antibiotics for my supposed prostate infection i can not tolerate alcohol anymore. It flares up my tinnitus like crazy and makes me dizzy n nauseus, before i could go through 5-6 different drinks and not feel a thing except this good “high”

tinnitus started after fina and worsened alot with the antibiotics, i also have hearing loss

Sorry about your hearing, that is terrible.

Are you saying that you can’t drink any alcohol as it gives you bad effects or can you have a single drink or two without effect?

i can probably drink a small amount before the bad effects kick in, like half a glass

Thanks for the reply. I will stay off alcohol then, not worth the risk to feel worse at the moment.

No when I drink a good amount

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I drink several whiskies a night and have since my crash, save for a few months when I gave it up to see if it changed anything. I know it’s unhealthy, but for me it’s the only thing that helps. I get better sleep and am less fatigued and less depressed the next day.


First time I drank after PFS I was in paradise (absolutely no anxiety, only peace).
Now I can drink but it’s like drink water. I’m not able to get drunk.
I have no desire to drink alcohol. I drink only when I go out with friends (only for social circumstances).

I find this fascinating. Many with PFS have reported that Alcohol has had no effect on them. I just got home from a dinner party where I had four glasses of some very nice Pinot. It’s like I was drinking water. Before PFS I felt effects even from a single glass (or a fraction of a glass).

This begs the question why. What mechanism could be at play? Probably something to do with the GABA(A) receptors I would assume?

If I drink larger or beer I have a bad time the following day re anxiety. Don’t get hangovers now or prior to PFS. I now try to stick to white wine or gin as they don’t impact estrogen. I can’t get drunk anymore but become more relaxed. Probs drink once or twice per month now. Cheers - pardon the pun


my hangovers are way more intense than pre pfs. even after 2 beers i get a hangover now. so i avoid drinking now

Drinking doesn’t do anything for me. I go from sober (10 drinks later) I’m dizzy and off balance. I skip the whole feeling amazing part.

I seem to have gotten A LOT worse after getting drunk, November had been my best month symptom-wise and now I’m back to square 1, the worst I’ve been since crashing. I hope this isn’t a permanent setback I’m freaking out rn.