Do yo viewing porn?

Before finasteride I had more or less the same reaction while looking at porn. After finasteride for me looking at porn was like looking at table. No interesting by the mind or the dick.

Now wow. I see porn and Im very excited!

What is your history?

I need data guys, if you help me I think I can make a website with very good information on how to treat this symptom.

If anyone want to help recollecting information, or whatever, please contact.

It was very unfortunatly for us to decide to taking the drug so whe dont become bald, but now we have to do something about it.



Its not exciting anymore.

First few months off fin, absolutely 0. Like you said, it was like looking at a table … or looking at tv show for kids. No interest whatsoever. I was kind of wondering why people made such a big fuss about it and could hardly remember how it felt like to be excited.

Now, after 2 years off … well, porn is probably the only thing that can get me excited, but need physical stimulation on top. I wouldn’t get hard just with porn. And moreover, instead of wanting to look at porn everyday (or every time I had the chance), now it’s just when I “decide” to … once or twice a month.

Yeah its incredible how damage our brains are for this drug.

Fortunatly all is not bad news I have found during this period that porn its pretty bad for the brain also.

And I joined the NoFap movement for 2 reason minimizing the damage from porn and to get higher testosterone from semen retention that is basically not ejaculate for long periods of time.

Both helped in my opinion.

Ok now as you say “its probably the only thing that get me excited” and “instead of every day, I do it one or twice a month”

Ok regarding: “its probably the only thing that get me excited” actually I have to say two things. After you remove porn from your live all those automatic mechanism that in your brain connect the visual images of the computer to your sexurelality will be decreased (unless you make a relapse, take in account porn is like addiction to cigarretes, or whatever thing that plays with the dopaminergic system on our brains). So what I want to comunicate is that you should rewire your brain sexually with human beings and not with porn. IKNOW ITS DIFFICULTY with out sexuall state, but we have to fuck, anhedony fuck? OK but do it.

In that case I must say that I have looked at porn today myself. And for first time in years that part of my brain (I suppose is the limbic brain) that see a pussy and puts your in ssy, that “Killer” state (yeah pussy, pussy nice) has been activated, and I near began crying.

“Regarding one or two a month”, its another example of how fuck we are.

I need to start to write better, because my english sucks.

I will like to read more messages regarding porn use and how it has been related to our issue. Although I think now and I was suspicious before finasteride that porn was very bad for our brain, I think information about the matter could help us to understand the effects of this drug better.



this is not true.

Most men watch a lot of porn and never have a problem… I watched a lot of porn before I took fin… 0 issues…

Instead of come and say its not true. Take in account and see all the information avaiable at the subject. Porn is another kind of addiction because it plays with your dopaminergic system, because it is a hyper estimulus, like cocaine is another one.

That said people developed sexual issues, ED meaning a big one.

Mental issues: lack of motivation.

And psycologhical sides, new pathways developed in the brain for the continous uses of porn, objetifing woman as a sexual object to much. You have a lot information on the Nofap forums. Most people that are there agree in most of them after they have try to quit porn, most of them are porn users since they first sexual years, so porn has had a big impact on their lifes.

You have here more information:

Its more interesting to me to see the kind of changes on your porn usage from PFS. Especially what you feel different from pre-use of finasteride.

It is rubbish. Men with good hormones can watch porn every day with 0 problems… That website just attracts people who already have libido problems due to other hormone issues…

Well if you want to listen another point of view. I had very high libido before Finasteride and I was a moderate porn user, and begin to understand at that point of my life how porn was bad for me:

  • Less interesed in real females for example.
  • Less motivation in general due to the dopamine hikes.
  • Androgen receptors downregalation due to excessive use.

Anyway if thats what you believe its ok to me.

For me my experience without porn has been very succesfull, especially regarding dopamine system, and I also added non ejaculation that helped me with hormones.

That’s not true at all

Ever hear of dopamine burnout

You flood your receptors and neurons and all that stuff with too much over stimuli and your brain becomes desensitized. So you seek other girls or genres whatever to trick your brain into getting your fix

Now…when you get passed that? Your reward system in the brain in a ways gives out. Then you find that the material that uses to give you so much excitement, is now like staring at the wall. No excitement no pleasure whatsoever

I’m sure some of those guys on noFap may have physical or hormonal issues but by and large
You can burnout from porn

Yeah that’s true.

Prior to Fin, I used to watch porn mutiple times a day, still was able to experience libido, and would get erections in few seconds

That being said, I remember trying a 30 days period with no porn … and goddamn when I watched a video again the visual lust and excitement was like x10.

I’ve had the same experience as you. Try like 6 months, maybe you will feel even better. I speculate that fin and other 5ari shit just does something to the brain erection centeres in susceptible individuals due to the interaction with neurosteroids. Maybe the only way to get out of this state is to do a very long noPMO streak. I don’t know, at this point im trying everything that I can.

That 30 days period was before Fin.

If I now abstain for like 2 days, semen volume goes back to normal. Never tried more.