Do not restart propecia after stopping: it will kill you

Well let’s face it, by the time people come here they’ve likely already started Propecia, experienced at least limited sides, and stopped. It’s been pretty well documented that restarting triggers the worst cases…if I saw this title at the top of the page in bold caps it might have grabbed my attention. Instead I searched for my side, read a few random posts, and left none the wiser.

It would be great if the drug came with a truthful leaflet but in the meantime this website is in the unique position to save a life today, right now.


idk why we are dismissing of peopel with major penile problems here. the amount of mental stress it cause me to literally feel my penis is like a piece of thick rubber with constant 24/7 pain that wont let me focus on anything is just as debilitating for me mentally as many others experience form mental effects.

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I don’t think people are doing that, I don’t think anyone is trying to diminish your personal suffering either. I have had times where the pain I’ve been experiencing has made it impossible to concentrate, I do understand.

However, the thing to take away from this topic is that whatever your symptoms and experiences, if you stop and restart a drug that brings you to this forum then the experiences of others suggest that you are risking even more debilitating side effects, not that if you “only” have one or two symptoms your experience doesn’t count.


Great post, very straightforward. I am one of those who did this mistake.


Also, if you have severe PFS, do not take any hormone medication.You’ll get worse off

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sory i jsut get frustrated is all. i only want to find a away to stop my prostate and penile pain. I feel a golfball in my prostate 24/7 and every urologists said it looks normal to them…

It’s OK, I understand, it can seem bleak.

I’m glad you posted however. I know someone who had/has the same feeling as you, I’ve just sent them a message about you. Hopefully they’ll reply soon. No idea how helpful that might be, but a problem is sometimes better when shared.

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Lol, i thought it’s the other way round, most of the threads in this forum are related to ED issues


This must be pinned would have saved my life.


All this Horror Day for Day and it get worser… 10 Years Quit this Drug…
i think my Body is Dead Day for Day …i go Dead… what helps???

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Franz, I know how severe you are. There is nothing to help right now. Keep grinding out each day you are a true warrior it’s increasingly bad for a few of us. When you think it can’t get worse it actually does. WTF. Hang in there mate

@mstone Thank you for the post I hope there will be someone reading this before trying to get back on this stuff.


In the Moment i have all Days so a Crash feeling Body Symptomes…shakin Hands feeds Head
Tinnitus -Headache , my Skin is Painfull… my eyes inflammed…

i think that ist Cortisol , it is to low

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Is it a Gendefekt??? is it a Cortisol defekt??

This honestly should have been added to the survey along with previous use of SSRI or Accutane. It would have been interesting and potentially relevant to know the numbers.

Yes, I took a total of 10 pills, but took them over a period of 2 months. Now one year and counting of pfs. Thought taking it less frequently would reduce chance of side effects. I was wrong.


I swear this shit needs to be pinned somewhere

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It would have saved me too if I had that information.


I came here before after my first interaction with fin and which I recovered from if I saw this post I would have never ever touched it again.

Now I live in the hospital dreaming for a second chance