Discomfort and penis pain

Hi guys. A lot of time ago i wrote some posts in the old FSE yahoo group (with other nick). First of all, i have to say that my english isn’t very good, so i’ll try to do my best.

Ok, finasteride side effects persists two years after i quit the drug .

I have a lot of pain in my penis, and i feel a rarely discomfort in the area. Also i have, sometimes, more need to pee. My erections are not the best, and in the hours after i have an eyaculation i have more pain. Seriously, the discomfort is huge: when i have pain i’m also very depress, sad, with low libido, angry, without energy. I have painful erections.

Other finasteride side effects that i have in this two years: Bad digestion, pain in the anus, testicle pain, and the list go on.

I went to 4 or 5 urologists, and all say that i don’t have anything. One of this doctors talk to me that i had to check my prostate. So i had a visit with a proctologist. He did a prostate examination and says to me that my prostate size is ok. Well, later, my general practitioner did a study by image based on a prostate ecography. The results, aparently, are good, and the size of my prostate is normal. However, i don’t do a PSA test. I don’t do a blood test neither.

I do the broccoli treatment for a while but i didn’t feel any improvements. I took cipro for a month and i feel beter (low penis pain), but the side effects persisted.

I dont know what to do. Also i don’t know what is my problem. ¿I have prostatitis? I think that also i have changes in my penis size and penis tissue (blood flow?).

In the next month i have a visit with a homeopathist. I hope that a homeopathic treatment helps me.

Spanish version of this post

Hola a todos. ¿Cómo están? He decidido agregar una versión en español de este post, ya que no me manejo muy bien con el inglés y creo que llegado este punto es preferible dejar información sobre mi problema antes que no hacerlo.

Hace dos años dejé de tomar finasteride, y aún hoy los efectos secundarios persisten.

En la actualidad sigo teniendo un gran dolor en mi pene, y una sensación de discomfort en toda la zona. También, a veces, aumenta la frecuencia en la que tengo ganas de ir a orinar. Generalmente en los días en los que siento más dolor, las ganas de orinar se vuelven más frecuentes. Mis erecciones no son de lo mejor, y, en las horas subsiguientes al momento de una eyaculación, el dolor en el pene y en la zona aumenta notablemente. Seriamente, cuando tengo mucho dolor mi estado de ánimo cambia, me siento muy mal, triste, deprimido. Cuando tengo una erección, el dolor en mi pene aumenta, así que mis erecciones son casi siempre muy dolorosas.

Otros efectos secundarios que he tenido y que actualmente tengo son los siguientes: Mala digestión, dolor en el ano, dolor testicular, y la lista sigue.

En todo este tiempo fui a cuatro o cinco urólogos, y todos ellos (o la mayoría, en realidad) me dijeron, luego de escucharme rápidamente, que no tenía absolutamente nada. Sólo uno (quien realidad no es urólogo, sino médico clínico) se tomó más tiempo para analizar lo que le decía, y luego me dijo que, teniendo en cuenta mis síntomas, podía llegar a ser una prostatitis. Por lo tanto me indicó que vaya a un proctólogo para que me realizara un análisis rectal. Fuí, y cómo resultado el proctólogo me dijo que el tamaño de mi próstata es normal. Con estos resultados volví a tener un turno con el médico clínico, quien decidió realizarme una ecografía prostática. Los resultados, aparentemente, también muestran que el tamaño de mi prostata es normal. Ahora, es cierto que no me he hecho un PSA, es decir, un análisis del líquido prostático, para comprobar si no tengo, aún teniendo en cuenta los resultados positivos de los exámenes realizados, una prostatitis bacterial. Tampoco tengo realizado un análisis de sangre, como para chequear el nivel hormonal y ese tipo de factores.

En cuanto a los tratamientos que realicé, puedo contar que durante más o menos un mes hice el tratamiento del brócoli, pero no noté grandes mejorías. También, y a raiz de la supuesta prostatitis, tomé cipro por un tiempo. Si bien noté una mejoría, los efectos siguieron. Y después dejé de tomarlo porque consideré que quizás la mejoría fue en consecuencia de las propiedades antiinflamatorias del cipro, y no por un efectivo funcionamiento del antibiótico frente a un supuesto caso de prostatitis.

Yo la verdad no sé que hacer. No sé que es lo que tengo. ¿Será una prostatitis? También en estos dos años he notado cambios en la textura de la piel de mi pene, así como también cambios en la forma. Esto creo que se debe a un problema de circulación de la sangre en la zona.

En el próximo mes tengo un turno con un doctor especializado en homeopatía. Por ahora conservo las esperanzas de que un tratamiento homeopático pueda ayudarme con mi problema.

Quien quiera contactarse conmigo puede hacerlo vía pm o e-mail. Estar en contacto es bueno para ayudarse mutuamente.

Muchas gracias por haberme leído.


Dude, I understand. I feel like its the same thing for me sometimes. I think its just the prostate is inflamed or something. Prostatitis like you said.
Also, I agree with the blood flow problem.
I am trying to look into this. As a matter of fact I was just writing to Mew and asking him about this today. I think its a blood flow and prostate issue more than anything. I have heard that androgen levels can be well thrown off during prostatitis and such things, when there is blockages and such, so this could explain hormone problems as well.

And depression problems? can be related too?
Umm, i don’t know what we can take to improve the blood flow. L-arginine or some like that?

I don’t suggest to anybody to take Permixon, but i think that we need something that helps the prostate to back to it’s normal state.

I think you may need to try the supplements. They have been helping a bunch of us. I think if you can relax more. Prostate will have a better chance to settle down.
Btw, just found some other links on MesoRx forum.mesomorphosis.com/mens-hea … 52051.html

good luck!

First off - as for penis pain, I had a lot of the curving, tingling, tightening, pain, and overall bad feeling in the penis for a while after stopping. It has since gotten much better. I don’t know what to attribute it to but I’ve been on Colchicine which is supposed to help and I think did. Also, I’ve been taking Cialis often and guess the increased blood flow over time has helped the condition of the tissue. I still get penis pain occasionally but I think it’s due to something else, maybe strain. Since I have low libido and sesitivity it takes very long to ejaculate, and the constant flexing of the muscle and penis causes pain. If I’m inactive for a couple days the pain goes away.

About the amino acids - I had taken Arginine and Glutamine off and on for a while and recently added Tyrosine and Carnitine. After feeling very jittery with increased anxiety I stopped the Tyrosine and Carnitine. Has anyone had this experience? I think I’ll try adding both again separately to see. Also, are people taking Carnitine, or Acetyl-l Carnitine?

I was experiencing pain and discomfort in the testicles and saw a urologist. My urologist said that I have a spermatocele. Has anyone had one of these? If you are experiencing pain have your doctor check for it.


I also have a spermatocele but it isn’t directly painful. They’re usually not a problem unless they’re painful or growing. I had it checked and my uro said it was harmless.

I did some research and it said that most men who have spermatocele are 40 years or older. Is it normal for men who are in their twenties to have a spermatocele? I am 25.


Boston: Thanks for your info. Is true that depression and stress problems only make the things worse. Which of those supplements you are taking?

In my country the Homeopathy has an academic level so i think that an homeopathic treatment will be, maybe, a solution.

Homeopathic treatment

As per the classical homeopathy, we believe in constitutional prescribing. It can be easily perceived that no two individuals are identical. Out physique, emotions, life styles vary so much from one another. Same holds true with disease. Everybody experiences same disease in different ways. This calls for individual case study in every case of Prostate disease. There is no single specific remedy for all the cases of Prostate disorders. To make it simple Homeopathy provides tailor-made solution to suit one’s unique constitution.

What is the Constitutional Approach?

What we understand by the Constitutional Approach in homeopathy is nothing but analysis and evaluation of various factors affecting the human constitution to determine the disease diagnosis and the exact treatment in turn. Every case of prostate malady calls for study of the patient’s constitution, which includes various aspects of his physical ailments as well as the in-depth study of the mental sphere, such as emotions, psychosocial background, and behavior and personality pattern.

Homeopathy case analysis for Prostate disorders

Every patient of Prostate disease is evaluated as an individual case and treated as such. While making the case analysis of patient having prostate affliction patient’s minutest of the details about the presenting complaints are noted carefully, as regard to the severity of pain, various urinary complaints, associated complaints, triggering factors, extent of enlargement of the gland or elevations in PSA levels of blood, etc. Besides, a grater deal of emphasis is given to patient’s individual features such as eating habits, food preference, thermal attributes, and sleep pattern. The study of the patient’s mind and emotional spheres is conducted meaningfully. Furthermore, patient’s history of past diseases and that of the family diseases is understood to know the miasmatic background of the patient.

Role of Homeopathy medicines

After putting all the vital information together, and fine evaluation process carried out, an individualist medicine is determined. This constitutional medicine, which when administered in the correct dose treats the patient at an inner level and brings about harmony at the constitutional level.

In patients of prostatitis, the Homeopathy medicines help reduce the inflammation of the gland and surrounding structures. The pain associated with this condition usually subsides with Homeopathic medication. In cases of acute prostatitis Homeopathy can be the best substitute to antibiotics. More over problems of ‘resistance of bacteria’ as faced by antibiotic do not exist with Homeopathy This is because Homeopathy rather than killing bacteria by itself enhances body’s own immunity so that body can kill bacteria. In cases of non-infectious chronic prostatitis and prostatodynia where the exact cause cannot be pinpointed Homeopathy has definitely upper hand over conventional mode of treatment. With recent advances these conditions are believed to be allergic or autoimmune in nature. As Homeopathy can bring deviations of immune system back to normalcy, the problem is taken care of without suppressing body’s defense system, as done by conventional immunosuppressive drugs. Moreover Homeopathy truly understand role of psyche at the root of various conditions including prostatitis. The rightly chosen Homeopathic medicine makes an individual emotionally stronger to bear stress of life more positively.

Wow, this is a very good article! Where did you get this? Thank you for finding and posting this.
I would like to find and go see the author who wrote this.
I want to be treated now.

Rk, what is Colchicine, can you elaborate?
So you really think Viagra/Cialis is a good thing. Increasing blood flow makes sense, but don’t you think putting a crutch on it so to speak could maybe have any negative effects long term on healing?? yes/no… idk.
I’ve just heard people say, don’t take it, heal on your own, but so I am on the shelf over the regular use of Viagra.
However an increase in blood flow would be nice.
I can get it up by putting on porn though however.
Just don’t know if this actually helps things repair, what not.
Thanks for the help.

Hey Boston,

I think it’s pretty standard treatment for PD. The easiest way to describe what it does is it helps re-distribute scar tissue so it gets absorbed back into your system instead of turning into hard plaque. It also relieves the pain and is an anti-inflammatory. I’ve been taking it a while now on word from my uro that it’s a “very harmless drug”. Since my last post I decided to do some more research and found studies that say it may cause fertility problems, though reversible (we know how that goes). I’m sure my uro would say “not at the dose you’re on”. I’ve had two poor semen analyses so I’m stopping to see what happens. The studies were a bit old though.

Another study I’ve read said it “inhibits the acetylcholine-induced release of catecholamines from perfused bovine adrenal glands”. Not sure yet what the implications of that are. Need to research catecholamines and sexual function.

As for the cialis, search for Dr Goldstein on the old board. People were taking his advise on daily viagra. Not sure if it helps. I sure hope it doesn’t hurt. All doctors say you can’t build a tolerance and it won’t affect your natural function. Does anyone else have info on this? Has anyone developed a dependence (physical)? I usually take cialis about 3-4 times a week.

Boston: I found the article here. I don’t know if the doctor that is mentioned there is a good one. I think that if you want to start a homeopathic treatment you have to find a respected homeopathic doctor.