On propecia i experienced a slower metabolism. Off propecia for the first weeks i was feeling sick quite often and dident have alot of apetite at all. A year off propecia i developed allergies or intorlerance to foods that got progressevly worse untill 3 weeks ago when i started a no gluten diet.
Symptoms was bloated colons (lower stomach) indigestion and general discomfort in the stomach regions. Since i am tall and thin the bloating made me look like an anaconda after eating a gazell or somthing. however a no gluten diet got me back to almost no stomack / digestion problems at all within a week! unbelivable good results and i am very happy as it increased my quality of life alot.
I do feel that my stomach issues was related to candida a yeast fungus in the colon. And no gluten diet shut of all the fuel for the yeast fungus.
A yeast fungus normally cant get a foothold in a male body as easily as in women unless males experience hormone imbalances or impaired immune functions. In my case probably both imbalances and impaired immune system was a factor sincce i have low t and testicles not working properly (testicles part of immune system) Women get this more commonly since they have a natural occuring hormone imbalances due to their monthly periods.
On the weird part, when i had indigestion problems that finnally after half a week or so gave in and the colon started to move (going to bathroom) i almost every time feelt a huge increase in libido sometimes so big i had to jack off right after visiting the toilet in the bathroom. Trust me this has nothing to do with any weird fetisch on my part including toilets or similar
Has any1 experienced something similar to this ?
Problems as i stated b4 are completely gone since no gluten for 3 weeks now, but do any1 know if theres a connection beetween testosterone, indigestion, candida or any other stomach/colon issue?
Thanks in advance.