Digestive issues caused by pfs completley resolved?

I’ve never heard of anyone going from having black liquid napalm shit and SIBO to having perfect stool before but i think i was able to successfully reset my gut microbiome in 8 weeks i went 6 weeks carnivore and just did one course of ciprofloxacin and now i am having completley normal stool daily while i’m taking the reuteri probiotic. Funny how my doctors all thought my diet was crazy. I did not even believe my own eyes when my stool quality and digestion changed so dramatically i can now tolerate any food i’ve eaten so far where as before they would make the problem worse and i just had the second textbook normal looking stool so i think i did it. Take a long hard look at your GI tract and stool quality guys going carnivore really helped my symptoms and even made my teeth whiter than whitening strips wver did since i guess my mouth bacteria died off too. I would recommend trying the carnivore diet even if you have no GI issues i believe it may kill most gut bacteria that our bodies do not want beacause there will only be a small amount of food for your gut bacteria and i think the friendly bacteria would get prioritized somehow? Ask as many questions about the carnivore diet or SIBO that you guys want.

Good to hear man. Which breath test did you do for Sibo? And do you think herbal antibiotics can be used instead of conventional ones?

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I did the lactulose test came back hydrogen positive i believe, herbal antibiotics can definitley be used just eat carnivore beforehand and then a lot of carbs while on antibiotics and once course is done use biogaia gastrus or protectis. It worked insanely well for me carnivore was way better than low fodmap even though it made my diarrhea worse it made all other digestive issues almost disappear.

Did it help with other symptoms? A part from digestive ones?

Yeah i wish i had stopped taking my testosterone boosters while doing carnivore because my testosterone was high as hell (i literally smelled like beef and testosterone) and it may have been a good time to leave my hormonal balance alone especially since it forces the body to burn fat and have a fast metabolism and higher lean mass since fat is your only energy source.

What symptoms did you have that resolved?