Different Story, Same Symptoms

Ahhhh, no, it’s not at all like saying rice caused erectile dysfunction. If you would dig a little deeper you would see that ALL natural foods and plants have these components in them. What matters is how they are stacked and incorporated with each other that controls what effects they exert on the body. Some people can’t tolerate night shade plants. This is the family of plants that the lowly tomato belongs to. Are you saying that these people are telling stories too. I mean a tomatoe only contains free fatty acids, phytosterols, free fatty alcohols, and monoglycerines, how could that be? IT IS. Some people can’t tolerate wheat and/or gluten. Are they lying? You’re off base man. Seriously.

Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family, so that means the leaves and stalk of the plant have alkaloids that are bad for people – but the fruit itself is not. Some people have allergies to various foods. I’m not overly familiar with those who cannot consume wheat/gluten, but I think it’s either an allergy or lack of a gene unable to process such.

Yes, a tomato might have the same components as saw palmetto but in different ratios, but I think I make a good point. It’s not as though saw palmetto has something unique to saw palmetto that is found in no other plant. I can’t verify people’s stories but I take things like that with a grain of salt, considering I know what the ingredients of saw palmetto are.

Your missing the point…

Saw palmetto is unique because it is saw palmetto. It has these ingredients together in a specific way as to exert some type of reaction from the body. Even though these things have most of the same ingredients, they are not the same. This should be obvious to you. A tomato is different from wheat because of the way it is arranged biochemically. Same goes for everything in nature if you really want to go down that route. I don’t understand what you don’t get about this and why believing saw palmetto causes sides is so difficult for you.

Its funny what one belive or not. Some ppl belive everything and some ppl are very sceptical to many things. I think i would have fallen in the later category b4 all of this.

For instance:
My mums sister is allergic to almonds or so she claims…
She cant even enter a house where some1 have just baked something with almonds in it. She has to make sure the airline companies do not serve peanuts on the flite she takes, thus she does not travel very much. Worst case she could die from this! she claims…
I always thought she was a whiner and really, how bad could it be?

Ive never been sensitive to anything my entire life. Hell my stomach/body could eat nails and spit em out the other end :slight_smile:

Today i cant even eat the wrong chocolatebar because of gluten allergy without having severe cramps and blood in stool if eventually i can have a bowel movement…

Today i fully understand her and ppl with reactions to the silliest of things.
Its cause i know better now. Ppl in general are not different from you, they just have different experiences and things affect us differently.

I know it’s been many years but does Terp or anyone else have any updates?

I’d also be curious to know what happened to terp03 or if there is anyone else out there suffering symptoms from Saw Palmetto.

I got the “bright idea” of taking Saw Palmetto instead of Finasteride to combat a receding hairline a few days ago, and was blindsided by the extent of the side effects as well as how long they have lasted (so far).

I took just one pill of Saw Palmetto (450 mg of the powder, not the extract), and the side effects started within 2 hours - brain fog, dizziness, racing heart, depression, total loss of interest in sex. At first, I wasn’t worried about it at all - I always seem to have the maximum side effects from any medication, and I assumed they would die down in a few hours. When I had trouble falling asleep that night, and woke up the next day still experiencing dizziness, brain fog, depression, and lack of libido, etc., I started to realize that something might actually be wrong. A little googling and I discovered the issues with finasteride/saw palmetto/DHT blockers and this forum.

From reading the recovery section, it seems like the length of use is related to recovery time, as people that have taken the drugs for years can take years to recover, those who took it for just a couple weeks can take 6+ months to recover, etc.

I’m not really worried that my body will never recover, but I am concerned that after several days of this I might be in for a month-long ride or longer until things settle down. I’ve always been sensitive to medication and I’m afraid that my adverse reaction is going to be way out of proportion to the actual amount of supplement that I’ve taken.

Did anyone else experience severe side effects from SP (or finasteride) and quit after one dose? If so, how long did it take you to get back to normal, or are you still experiencing the symptoms?

@Terp03 how are you doing bro?