Did you experience testicular pains ın your chıldhood?

guys, ı always remember when ı was a chıld my testıses are achıng sometımes, ı dont know ıts a normal sıtuatıon but ı remember sometımes ı was almost cryıng for thıs paıns. Dıd you experınce thıs paıns and do you thınk ıts normal? Maybe there ıs a connectıon between and pfs thıng.

i dont remember any ball ache as a child but i do remember going through puberty very early,i think i had hairy legs and a adult size dick etc when i was ten,anyone else had this???

Didn’t pay that much attention to my dick size then but yes to early puberty and leg hair.

Yes luckfax, I also had testicle pains as a child