did anyone NOT see mental improvements around a year off?

It seems like many report improvements in mental sides after a year or a year and a half off. im really hoping this is true for me as i approach a year in a couple weeks. can anyone offer anything about this?

did anyone not improve?
for those that did improve… what sort of improvements did you see?


I have been off well over two years and have seen no improvement. Rob Totti is in the same boat except he has been off longer than me.

I’m about a year and 8 months off the drug, and I cannot say that things have gotten better for me either. A part of me says things might be getting a tad worse… but then my crash was very delayed. I crashed about a month after stopping Propecia, and looking back at my first year off of the drug, my mental state was more manageable, and in turn made my sexual dysfunction more manageable. So a part of me wonders if the really bad cognitive problems started to set in a little later for me than for other people. There is still some fluctuation though, thankfully. So, I live for those better days. I am still capable of a few pretty damn good days in a month, and the other maybe… 27 or 28 days are half manageable/half awful. I will say that orgasms seem to make me feel much worse (brain fog, depression, disconnect from the world) nowadays than they did in the first year or so after my crash. Either that or I’m just more aware of it now. I continue to stand by the one method that can drastically change my mental state. Weightlifting is very capable of producing very good or very bad results for me (if done sparingly), and it’s usually worth the gamble. There are some side effects that have without a doubt improved for me. I stay active, so that might help… but my energy levels have improved considerably since my crash.

its been 1,3 years for me…and I have to say I’ve improved A LOT…however I;ve done a million different things…if you dont change your diet …take supplements and probiotics, you will probably take a lot longer to get better.

Yeah donkeyboy reminded me, i’m probably actually worse over all. This could be due to losing hope that i will ever recover from the depersoniliztion disorder/altered reality state i am in.

So this is where the trust issues come from?

Not from there cowboy.

If your insinuating that “i’m taking you for a ride” try contacting Dr. Irwig, he know’s all about that.

For me, my treatment is real. Saying “you don’t trust me” or “i’m full of shit”? , I assure you I have better things to do than write false treatment plans up. I just choose to share this information with this forum. I speak to guys on this forum everyday on skype, ask them before you go putting out that i’m a rep or a troll.


Mentally improved vastly over 21 months off, sexually minimal improvement.

Still suffer from some drastic (but fairly managable mood swings thou).

discontinued 7/2011 - much worse since stopping, no improvement whatsoever. viagra/cialis haven’t any effect now either, they did before stopping. haven’t tried anything, OTC/herbal remedies etc… or meds. don’t want to experiment any more on myself than I have with propecia already.

I have made massive cognitve improvements using my treatment. The first 4 months were terrible and I think i’d be the same if it wasn’t for that.

Tim… You ever try a non-folic acid B complex? I am waiting another week to update again, but, I think since starting this B complex my mind is the best it’s been in a looooong time. My mood, energy, clear thinking, sense of humor, lack of depression like thoughts, etc is optimal.

iherb.com/m/Thorne-Research- … 18126?at=0

I added this as well and improved even more…

iherb.com/m/Thorne-Research- … 18447?at=0

The key I think is the folate, instead of folic acid.

If you try it out, take it in the morning or you might have difficulty sleeping.

No i havent tried one without folic acid, the one i do have does help with energy, but thats all. Quite interesting you think folate makes a difference.

I’m very depressed right now I don’t see how I will improve in a year especially brain and balls. I think I’ve taken the wrong approach in waiting…can anyone tell me what is it with time that heals this shit at least partially? Those who recovered after +6 months must’ve done something right.

brice…sit down and wait for things is a RECIPE for disaster! do something…diet, take nystatin,take probiotics, do anything you can to be better,…take supplements…i could never ever imagine myself not giving 100% of me in trying to find alternative ways to improve my health. and I mean that in the best way possible!

Can you all list what y’all take from permanent fucked up Androgen receptors? or for PFS? Im thinking of Coq10. L’arginine sounds risky.

I would like to bump this thread. I am trying not to worry too much these days about my future and my mental health, but I am doing a poor job of this. It just concerns me a lot that my brain could be deteriorating at a scary rate. Can anyone else who has undoubtedly experienced the full spectrum of mental side effects comment on how things have progressed or regressed for them over time, and what they might attribute to these changes? I do feel like exercise is the best method to combat cognitive side effects, but even this is not always a reliable method. Sigh… I just wish I knew ways to at least maintain my mental function rather than having to worry about how it may be worsening.