DHT suppress E2?

Hello everyone, i have been dealing with PAS for 13 months. I have been doing some blood tests after 6 months have passed from i get PAS and i was certainly sure there were some serious problem about me. At first I observed my DHT levels were too low. Before 6 months my blood results were like this:

Total testosterone: 6,84 ng/mL range of 1,75-7,81
Dihidrotestosterone: 212 pg/mL range of 250-990

At this point my hair and face, back and chest were completely dry. I couldn’t get erection from visual sources. I was not able not imagine anything in my head. I was depressed and dealing with anxiety issues. Then after 3-4 months my depression and mental side effects started to fade away and i instantly began to get aroused from woman again. Before i was feeling like empty but i felt something is awakening slowly in my body. But lack of libido and ED was still there. My erections got better time by time yes but not good enough compared to pre PAS.

At this exact moment i started to experience several eczemas on my feet and hand. But at the same time my chest, face, hair and back get oily again! So how is this possible to have complete dry skin on my feet and hands while i started to having acnes again on certain areas? Well, i found some sources which says instant estrogene changes in body can cause dry skin, eczemas, sleeping issues… etc. So i decided to do one more test last week and that’s the result:

Total Testosterone: 5,17 ng/mL range of 1,75-7,81
Free Testosterone: 12,5 pg/mL range of 5-30
Dihidrotestosterone (DHT): 791,67 pg/mL range of 250-990
Estradiol (E2): 11,77 pg/mL range of 20(?)-47 (some resources says its 10-50 for male)

! I want to ask if someone knows is this result of E2 too low for an average male? !

It’s obvius that total testosterone has decreased in time that’s because it started to being converted into DHT. So at least in my case i can easily say my mental issues were because of lackness of DHT.

I found out estradiol(estrogene) is important for sex drive for male more than you can imagine. And due to my theory; at first our body have lost it’s ability to produce DHT but with time it regained it. But this time it produces it more than usual and that causes the suppression of eustrogene. I am going to see an endocrinologist next week and discuss it with him.

I want to ask to you, have you checked your E2 and DHT levels at the same time? I have seen so many people in this forum who has checked this levels separately from each other. I think there might be a connection about this situation in our case. And i believe this whole situation is about hormones. But the hard question is, could these hormonal imbalances harm our body in some way we don’t know yet or some way we can’t reverse it?

Two months have passed since pfs, and blood tests a month ago showed 512 total testosterone and 9.8 e2. I’m suffering from dead libido. How’s the situation right now? (I’m using translator)

Hey mate, my condition is a lot better but not as good as before i use this drug. My libido sometimes come back and sometimes non-existent. I no longer have ED but just libido issues. Right now, i think PAS is not a problem about our hormones because i checked every hormone in my body and everything seemed perfectly normal. Now, i think it’s about some inbalance of neurostereoids in our brain. To be honest, i believe letting our body healing itself is the best way. Two months is too early i hope you will get better.

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