Mine is 77 range (45-345) for males.

Seems ver low too me although in range. Can this be the cause of some issues?

I’ve been supplementing with DHEA. It seems to improve my mood slightly but has no effect on physical/sexual issues. Couldnt hurt to try it.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in Men - DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced primarily by the adrenal cortex, but also secreted by the testes and the brain. DHEA serves as a precursor to androgen hormones – the hormones that regulate the development and preservation of male characteristics. Even more so than testosterone, men rely on DHEA to maintain their edge. Because DHEA is a precursor to androgen hormones, men depend on it to retain their masculinity.

The majority of the symptoms men face during andropause are attributed to low testosterone or “Low-T.” What most men don’t know is that the decline in testosterone is in fact linked to waning levels of DHEA. Typically, DHEA levels begin to taper off around the age of 30 and continue to gradually decline throughout a man’s life.

Low levels of DHEA can cause symptoms including:
Loss of strength and muscle mass
Aching joints
Decreased sex drive
Impaired immune function

On the other hand, adequate DHEA levels can help:
Increase testosterone levels
Restore muscle mass
Improve the body fat ratio
Improve memory
Boost the immune system
Promote flexibility
Raise endurance levels

How many of us are low and supplementing??

I was supplementing DHEA prior to Fin and I was doing well in all those areas. This is one of the reasons I think I would be a perfect research subject. I was doing great Pre Fin. I led a healthy lifestyle and had no other medical issues. I would never even gets colds. I was Bruce Willis in Unbreakable. Nothing but Fin screwed me up, no mistake about it. Since Fin I really think DHEA only effects my mood although I will probably stick with it.

Boston -why were you supplementing DHEA prior to fin? And do you happen to know your DHEA level now (i.e. is is low or normal)?? You may be a good one to study :slight_smile:
Thanks - Scared

have you tested cortisol?

I was supplementing DHEA as part of my workout supplements. I was also aware that levels drop as we age. Last lab a few months ago my DHEA was high. But I believe that was a result of the supps. I have since backed up the dosage.

My DHEA is very High