
So, only JG has tried this apart from the guy that recovered using it and ihatepropecia?

There is a lot of information on Dexamethasone and androgens via google. All looks interesting but i am unsure what most of it means.

Dexamethasone is used for infertility

I have been taking dexamethasone (again) over the last 3 days and i have to say that i have been feeling rather good; cheerful mood, much better sleep than usual, great looking skin, healthier looking genitals. Apparently glucocorticoids often make people feel good; euphoria is listed as a side effect, so my improvements probably mean nothing in relation to PFS. I will only be staying on the medication for another few days and then i don’t intend to use it again. Glucocorticoids are no joke, so please, anyone that is considering using dexamethasone - only stay on it for a short period of time. Having said that - given that a number of PFS guys sustained marked improvements from using dexamethasone and it is a widely used drug for injuries, fertility, cancer etc, it would be good to see others giving this a shot. It is incredibly cheap from unitedpharmacies.

Considering all the shit that many of us dabble with on this forum, we should maybe set up threads where a number of us try a particular drug and report back with the effects. This would be an excellent method of finding out medicines that help us and ones that don’t so we can at least half rule them out. At the moment we just have people’s experiences scattered all over the place. I don’t know about everyone else but i am never going to sit around and wait for research to find the answers, although i have to, to an extent. I am happy to be a human guinea pig within reason - what am i risking anyway? my shitty, miserable life with no sex drive and zest for life?

If you have a drug that could potentially cure my ailments - chuck it my way! :laughing:

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What was the outcome of this on physical decline?