Developed Gynecomastia.How i can make Merck to pay mysurgery

Hello Everyone. Never thought of i might become a member of this forum. The side effects of this shit are endless.
My number one side effect was hairloss. Yes it is true i started losing my hair at an alarming rate . I developed seborrheic dermatitis thanks to reflex Hyperandrogenecity i believe , extremely oily skin and tons of hair shedding that attached to some kind of yellowish bulb
It has been 40 days i got back to normal!

But what have not changed yet is my gynecomastia that i developed thanks to propecia. I know it will not disappear until i undergo surgery which gonna cost me a lot!! I live in Italy and would like to know if it is possible to make a report and demand at least free surgery from them!

Please help me