Desperate to relieve adrenal symptoms

Every morning I wake up feeling completely exhausted. My eyes are dry and heavy. My body aches. I feel so tired but can’t sleep.

These problems seem the worst they ever have in my 5 years of PFS and I really don’t know how much longer I can cope.

I have this same problem, severe adrenal problems. What are ur levels of cortisol and thyroid?

Benzodiazepines and a stimulant are the only things that work for me when it comes to extreme fatigue and anxiety/insomnia.

Adrenals appears to be a big player in PFS/CFS/PAS/etc etc. Mine was poorly functioning and produced countless issues in the process. I’d get extremely depressed and burned out for days post weight lifting or cardo sessions and also get panicky over trivial matters. Yet struggled to get up in the morning and DHEA-s was at the rock bottom. I’m trying to not sound repetitive but excess inflammation theory seems to be the cause, at least for me.

Support your adrenals: eat a varied diet that provides adequate Vit C, Zinc, Magnesium, Vit D and B complex. Practice relaxation, don’t overexert your body, get to bed early and aim for 8hrs if you can. You may need sleep aids in the beginning. Steer clear from any stimulants including coffee, teas, etc. I’ve trialed with low dose Ashwagandha and Rhodiola and they seemed helpful. That said, find and eliminate the root source of your excess inflammation.

Cortef fixed this for me.

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I too used HC for so many years with a great success but stopped it cold turkey in 2018 and it was a rough ride after then. My adrenals are in better shape now but still far from being optimal. I can workout and handle stress better but would still crash if I push it too far. @moonman1

Yah, always wean off of HC. I’ve gone on and off multiple times w no issues. And I am in the same point right now. I have been off for a few years, but if I push too hard then I feel “overtrained”. Usually stress dosing helps that a bit.