Desperate, no choice,Take the medication again

Over the past two years, my health has been getting worse and worse day by day. Stopping the medication has not stopped my physical side effects, but has become more and more serious. I began to plan to take finasteride or Dutasteride, which is more powerful, again. I don’t think stopping the drug will make the body heal itself, not only will it not heal itself, the body will get worse and worse, I plan to take letrozole first to see if it is OK, and then go back to finasteride

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My physical condition does not allow me to do nothing, slowly wait for the body to recover itself, this is impossible, only more and more serious and painful, I can only fight to death

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I’m sorry to say it bluntly, but if you start taking finasteride again it will f*cking kill you


Tramadol and organic baking soda…I’d been dead years ago but the Tramadol drops the mental sides to a point I can tolerate it and has extended my life by a few years I feel

Physically I’m disabled to can’t do nothing but sit in a chair all day long and look out the door…

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I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a long term report of that working out. Anecdotally, I took Finasteride again after already having PFS just not knowing it. The mental torture I went through after just a more pill was unfathomable. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’d rather kms than go through that anguish again. It was darker than words can describe. I felt like a walking dead man for months unable to comprehend what just happened and would run to the toilet to vomit at random times of the day. Ultimately, it’s your decision but I would try almost anything else instead of that.


You’re already a repeat use casualty so you know the risk. But understand that you can’t just mail-order black market nembutal anymore so you might want to, you know…prepare…before going down this route.

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Sorry to be blunt, but as someone who as suffered from repeated exposure to 5ARi’s, DO NOT do that. It’s a horrible idea and can make your situation much, much worse


I understand your desperation I really do but repeat exposure has fucked me in to this state too. The common theme amongst the severe cases is the same thing. Don’t let your situation drive you further down this path, don’t for one moment think it can’t get any worse. Try to hold your head and work on calming the systems down, meditation, vagus nerve etc. Just try to keep it in the slow lane…


Many, many people have found that their symptoms developed after stopping and starting finasteride.

The same effect has been true with people who have had a problem with finasteride and then developing more or worsened symptoms after subsequent exposure.

I would say this is a giant risk with as far as I know little to recommend it.

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If you want to flip it with substances there are hundreds of different supplements out there you can try. Chances that it will help you are not too big and there’s the possibility of it getting worse but aren’t the odds that something will help still way bigger than that taking fin again will help? Taking the same thing that fucked you up in the first place would be literaly the last thing i’d consider.

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For your own well being and for your future self do NOT stay on the medication. I have friends who have been on it now since 1999 and now they are still taking it and having serious neurological issues along with depression and anxiety and completely avoiding social situations. You CANNOT avoid the mechanism of a potent 5ar inhibitor it will do its detrimental damage no matter how long it takes. It takes others longer to sense it because it has disconnected them so much also many are too sensitive to insecurities of losing their hair that having all the side effects and losing cognition is just what they see as part of life as long as they can keep their hair. No matter what I will say it again you cannot avoid the mechanism of the potent 5ar inhibitor. Don’t get back on it. Face it now and try and heal out. Prayers and positive thoughts. We are all here for a reason and it’s not for you to stay on that medication and think this is normal because it is not. Best to you and hopefully you made the right decision for yourself and well being.

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You don’t want to know how bad this can get. If you value the life you have left you will not do this


Exactly, because it can get worse

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It is not recommende to take again the medication, nor likely to do any better by doing so. Quite the contrary, seems to make the problem worst, but in the other hand I dont know nobody so crazy to do this try, Given the case that the disease is quite strange, maybe doing crazy thing could have some unexpected results. I don’t know, if you are bold enough maybe you can give a try… Did someone heard of somebody doing this?

Are you insane?

This is beyond crazy. Do not take this medication again. No matter what. There are a lot of posts here with guys just getting worse. Nobody has long term positive changes after retaking.

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