Hello everyone! I’m a italian boy and i’m 23 years old.
I’m sorry because my english is not very good. I’m very sad because i have very bad sexual disfunction so i hope to find some advice in this forum.
When i was 18 (after a depression period) my hairs started to follow down so i came to my doctor and i started use Minoxidil(Regaine5%) and sometimes saw palmetto. Untill January2008 there was no big sexual problem.
22January2008 bloodtest is:
TSH: 2.47microU/ml [0.270 - 4.500]
FSH: 8.9U/L [1.5 - 12.5]
LH: 8.0U/L [1.4 - 8.0]
Testosterone: 4.82ng/ml [2.50 - 10.00]
HCG: <2
Summer 2008 i take for two month Propecia. First time i use it i noticed immediatly low libido, difficul with quality and durations of erection and liquid semes. The side effect more clear was (till now) abnormal sweating
10July2008 bloodtest is:
TSH: 3.32mU/L [0.270 - 4.200]
LH: 11.4UI/L [1.7 - 8.6]
Testosterone 4.7 [2.50 - 10.00]
I quit with Propecia because i realized there was something wrong.
in winter 2008 i found a girl and i realized that i was no able to have an sufficient erection so my doctor told me to take Levitra 10mg (and sopmetimes 2omg) to help whwn i need erections. Next month i notice a change in my tissute of penis. it is wrinkled, little curved toward the top, always cold, sometimes painfull erection.
20January2009 bloodtest i s
FSH 10.7UI/L [1.5 - 12.5]
LH : 14.2 UI/L [1.7 - 8.6]
PRL: 18.7 ug/L [3.0 - 15.0]
Testosterone: 4.54 [2.50 - 10.00]
Testosterone free: 7.7pg/ml [8.0 - 43.0]
Since this summer till now i notice a abnormal sweating.
I’m very sad. Please if someone could help me i will be very gratetful to him.
Thank everyone.