Designer Steroids to Treat PFS?

OK guys, this is risky but logical, so I wonder if anybody has actually tried it.

Designer steroids (the stuff body builders use) are very effective because of their superior ability to bind to androgen receptors. (They do a much better job at that than naturally occurring androgens, so body builders don’t actually use good old testosterone or DHT, but designer steroids instead.)

One of the most popular hypotheses explaining PFS is that the androgen receptors our bodies are producing may be lousy as a consequence of Propecia use. That may be why we have all the symptoms of hypogonadism even though many of us have androgen levels within “normal range” (my DHT actually remains very low.) If this hypothesis were to be correct, it seems logical that using androgens with a superior ability to bind to those lousy receptors could potentially solve our problem.

Has anybody tried treating PFS this way? What were the results?

Thanks guys!

wont work.

I think this might be a good test. What are the sides. Have you read any sides reported by body builders?

There has been a few threads on this with no success. I’ve used Epistane and SuperDrol with no effects. SuperDrol added weight to me, but it could have been water weight, not sure. It did give me crazy pumps.

A better test would be a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator).

Review this thread. Synthetic androgens (in particular Mibolerone or R1881) have overcome androgen insensitivity syndrome in certain cases when given at high dosages.


Side from steroids are well documented… Just ask anyone here who is on or has tried trt… Shrinking testicles is the most obvious.

act on AR will be our future hope or other things more specific

Most pro-hormones are extremely harsh on the liver so if you even think about running one, make sure you run some milk thistle and/or liv52 with it!