Hey im approaching 8 months off. Still having depression and anxiety. Ive seen improvements, but can i be hopeful that the worst days are behind me? Will i get better in this area? Thanks.
Like I’ve mentioned to you yes, took me over a year to see real noticable improvement myself however.
it will get better … as simple as i make it sound, just try to relax and limit your stress, try to find some peace in ANYTHING you can… we will figure a way out of this… be strong
I know, was wondering if others had the same experience as u. I would be so happy to get rid of anxiety and depression, despite sexual sides. Im doing what i can to speed the process. But i still get feelings of despair and hopelessness.
i understand completely, i have been slammed by mental side effects and i still struggle mightily … BUT, you will do better over time and everyday life will become much easier to manage, and hell, you may even have some days where you dont feel so horrible from time to time … we will figure this shit out man, stay strong
I hang on to these words that things get better. It is the ONLY thing keeping me where i am.
Zoloft maybe making me more emotionally numb. Gonna ask my psych to change meds. It’s helped with anxiety. FEEL like a zombie
Sorry, be warned, this is a MAJOR rant coming from my severe depression and anger today: (Skip this if you are on the verge of tears)
I’m still battling major depression, anxiety and hopelessness. Feeling worthless and abandoned. It’s been 850 days since I quit Propecia. I keep thinking life will get better, then I try to do some task or chore around the house and screw things up. I was known as Mr Fixit before Propecia, now I just have an external appearance of who I was, but with dried up skin and facial hair falling out in patches. Sorry, but I’m having a really hard time today. If it weren’t for having 2 young kids, I would have chosen to be 6 feet under.
So I’m begrudgingly slogging through one day at a time. My emotions and temper have flared up so many times at home that the wife and kids are afraid of me. I remember being so happy to be with my kids and wife, and now I just snap at any disobedience or backtalking and never have a positive thing to say, as if I have absolutely NO control over my own reactions. Not only is having PFS unfair to me, but it really makes me cry when I think about what my wife and kids have put up with. They don’t deserve to be treated this way.
Makes me think about leaving everything I’ve earned or worked for, just to ease the burden on them. But I have no place to go.
7 years of living in hell, becoming toxic to those around me, and I’m told “There are more studies to be done”, “More funding is needed”, “Your case isn’t filed because we’re still gathering medical records”, “The Legal Process moves at a Glacial pace”, “Hang in there, things will get better”. Yet my 3 sets of lab results are freakin obviously screwed up and HRT isn’t working!
How is it possible that ANY more studies are needed?
What the hell are all the lawyers doing?
Why is this being held in Merck’s own back yard?
What the F#$k is the media doing about it?
Why is only a single Judge presiding over hundreds of cases just like mine?
Why is there absolutely NO F$#King sense of URGENCY!?!
Unreal. Sad pitiful joke. I too will end my life if no resolution comes.
please, please hang in there guys. it does get better and more manageable with time for most of us. we are being heard now more than ever. so much has happened in the last year (media awareness, pfs foundation, medical testing). as real as our condition is, a real solution will equally be found given time. i’m less considered with the lawsuits and more concerned with medical research and treatment options. this is moving at a pace faster than we realize. it is the most important thing.
please hang in there and do whatever you can to make yourself happy. i’m here if you need to chat.
Guys, it has been a tough ride for us all, but you can’t heal a dead body. And I know you would rather heal than die. Just how you go about that isn’t common knowledge right now.
Unlike many other post-drug victims, we have a focused team looking out for us; interest in the damaging effects of Fin usage really is gathering momentum and interest.
Call it wishful thinking, but I strongly believe we will have more answers within the next couple of years. And with those answers will follow some targeted treatment options.
I’m glad to report that the depression has subsided considerably for me.
What changed?..
I had been taking Remeron (mirtazapine) at 45mg for about 6 months, after years of trial and error on other meds, then my sex doc recommended Viibryd, so I tried it. Titrated off Remeron and onto Viibryd over a 2 week period. The new side effects from Viibryd, major diarrhea. I gave it a good month but it didn’t get better.
Anyhow, this motivated me to just quit all SSRI’s. So I ramped up on the Omega 3’s to around 5000iu daily. Fish oil with the right mix of DHA/EPA is proven to help with depression. I had been taking 1200iu daily for the past year.
Little did I know about all the other benefits of fish oil… helps with pain, mental cognition, ADHD, depression etc.
I noticed a significant improvement within ONE WEEK of stopping the SSRI’s and boosting fish oil.
I suspect the SSRI’s only made things worse for me in hindsight. I’m most definitely turning the corner on a recovery after 1,173 days after stopping Propecia.
Just wanted to share this news and highly recommend Omega 3’s. One of the brands my pain doc recommended is “Metagenics”. There are others with the right balance of DHA/EPA, but you may also want to consider the quality of the mfr and any tests or studies. I must also mention that I take a total of 21 vitamins/supplements daily. PM me if you want the list.
Hej towm8er
I will PM you for the vitamins list.