Depression hell i want to leave here

I don’tsay anymore I want to leave depression,did someone tell me when you feel better in mental?

One of the things that is frequently said is how difficult this is to deal with mentally. Frankly, people do struggle with mental health, I did and sometimes still do.

The most severe depression hit early on but is generally better and was better within a year.

I’ve written about this before, my symptoms get better and worse as time goes by and when my symptoms are more severe, I feel most depressed. The depression is not a result of other symptoms. It is a symptom of it’s own.

You have to keep yourself as strong as possible. Try to not focus on negative thoughts, this can get better. It can pass. Hold on.


thank you ,the bad feeling offen end in evening, and i dont like go sleeping,I dont like face tomorrow.

I know it’s difficult. I don’t know if you’ll go through anything harder. Tomorrow might be the same as today. But it could be better.


just focus to be there tomorrow and do what u can that day with your time, but just survive long enough till the better days come…you will need to dig deep to find that motivations as we all need, also people tends to give all sort of crap about think possitive and other shit…when all of that falls in the water the second life hits you especially this hard, how are u suppose to think positive when u are falling apart, what helps me is anger, revenge, knowing that people that doesnt like me will be happy if im death, and that gives me big emotional levrige to fight i dont want to give them that satisfaction

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bro,did you become better in speaking and other sides,know I feel I like a tree,I don’t understand many things and I can’t use my head as before.

这就是我们所说的脑雾 (brain fog)。它可以改进。这个网站上的人说它有所改善。我这样的情况只有几个星期,也许 1 个月。我现在好多了。有些人拥有它的时间更长。您服用非那雄胺 2 周。那是很短的时间。我服用了7个月。昨天我有严重的焦虑和抑郁,但今天我感觉好多了。我上上下下。

you always take good news to me .but this is a bad new for me .because of my depression. I lost my job .although my parents are working to hlep me ,this is a shit for a young man to suffer this . what a fucking day! as a man. I can not do anything to fight with it .if it is a wolf and I Will kill’s shit. I just want to sleep.


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that’s right ,though it is hard for us.

but I don’t believe there are someone who can recover to pre—fin,is this ture?and what are we waiting for?the shit waste our time ,make us like shit,we are suffering shit life…will we have a chance to be cure in the future ?I want to know why we still in the world?


I come back to work,i dont know is right?my depression recover very slowly,I feel like live in a dream,my parents said I will recover in two months,to behonest,IM tired,



yes.bro.know my problem is brain fog. I thank I become fool.that’s right? why the symptoms comes one by one? I don’t understand.will I become a fool like a monkey?


how do you feeling know?recently,my depression has become better,I don’t feel shit in the morning,and I can pass one day claimly,recover still slowly,and I have some brain fog as you know,I still not healthy in the body,my sex function maybe don’t haveimprovement,but Dick is warm,and it is not worst thing,I can do some work which don’tuse brain andI can take care of myself,not lie the bed like before,I know we are in a hell,but everyday will become better,to be honest,if my IQ come back ,I don’t worry about sex function,I mess every one ,if I have some recover,I want to have a world trip,to see you.

我的性功能在过去 3 天有所改善。脑雾也更好。我最近没有抑郁或焦虑。我在性或精神上没有完全康复,但没有以前那么糟糕。



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