Depersonalization or Depression

What are the key differences? I can’t tell if my depersonalization feeling is depression or if I have both.

anomaly of self-awareness. It consists of:

  • having lost the feeling of ‘being someone’ or having a “self”
  • this results in: a feeling of watching oneself act (who is not percieved as being yourself anymore, rather as a different person)
  • it seems like you have no control over yourself, you seem to akt like a robot, automatically, without intent or emotion
  • you have the feeling that you are nobody… except that you are walking around with yourself, but you dont feel like this is you…

derealisation, which usually and almost always comes aong with depersonalisation (its changin between periods of depersonalisaion and derealisaion, usually not both at the same time, in a time frame of hours or days)
anomaly of perception of the outer world

  • the world has lost its sense of reality
  • objects and materials seem flat and unreal
  • what you see, seems like a stage, setting or scenerey, with no sense of “weight/heavyness”, no sense of distance
  • you seem to be dreaming, you question weather reality exists, who you are, what everything is around you,
  • the ‘setting’, which you find yourself in… the world around you… becomes like unreal like a computer game, you are unable to find out weather you really exist or not


  • feelings of sadness, emptiness or unhappiness
  • Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration
  • nervousness
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Tiredness and lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness

What do you feel like, can you describe in words what you are experienceing?

Mcibofh its depression + depersonalization. Its PFS. Im sick of this nightmare…