Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Has anyone tried Dehydroepiandrosterone?
DHEA up-regulates 5AR activity.

One of supplements Gordon had me on along with pregnenolone and cognitive aminos, clomid and Trt.

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Do you think it was beneficial, @holyhead?

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Yes…the entire protocol helped but it got to a point where I had to stop the Trt as it was just agony…I didn’t even feel the trt for 2 months then I began improving…Then it stops and starts worsening…So I dropped trt and just kept taking the supplements. every day after I stopped trt I improved more…Very strange but it’s a very low dosage 40mg every 3rd day…

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Sorry, could you explain that again?

Are you still taking the TRT? 40mg every 3 days? What benefits do you get? How long have you been doing it? Is this written up somewhere clearly? Could you do it if so? I’ll help you if you like.

I’m not trying to be annoying, just want the info to be easily accessible. One of the things I’d really like to have here is a series of really clear descriptions of what people have used, the benefits (or not) that they got, their symptoms , the dosage, the frequency.

If we can get that sort of info laid out clearly we could easily build our knowledge base and really see what’s worth looking at - it’s possible that we could even show our findings to help the scientific effort. It just takes people being pragmatic and detailed in their writeups. Could you do one?

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This was a thread asking if anyone has tried dheas and it was derailed by questions regarding trt. Can we ask the question again , has anyone tried DHEAs ???

I have tried DHEA 100mg a day, it seemed to help with brain fog and energy levels, if I keep taking I start breaking out.

Overall have the benefits out weighed the risks? Do you still take it when times are bad?

I believe my cognitive issues were caused from gaba dysregulation and DHEA lessens depressive-like behavior via GABA-ergic modulation. The benefits for me did outweigh the risks. I have not taken it recently, because my cognitive symptoms have not been to bad, but I would take it again if need be.

I’ve taken 50mg of DHEA daily for a few weeks, and I felt nothing.