Deathly ill after Working in heat

Anyone else experience this after working outside lightly yesterday in the sun and heat I became so sick.

Just as from a couple of years ago only much worse now…Can do less and less as time passes.

Thunderous migraine headache began then nausea…I was praying for death all evening then finally after puking 3 or 4 times it began to subside…I was finally able to fall asleep last night and get out of the suffering for now…

Only light duty yard work caused this…I used to run 5 miles daily…then 4, then 3, then 2…As your capacity to exercise just keeps dropping for no reason…Where does it end at?


Its just horrible it really is. Got to hope this plateaus

Yea it appears to be a very severe form of a migraine attack :confused: Ended by vomiting :nauseated_face: also low serotonin in the brain and changes to the central nervous system and gut are possible causes…

Never had this before pfs…I would run regularly with a trash bag under my clothes to get extreme sweat…Normal yard work outside was a piece of cake…

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Its scary as hell for the few who continue to deteriorate. Keep hope is all i can say

I sometimes feel like that after I’ve been out in the sun. I’m not saying it’s definitely that, but it might be worth trying to cover up as much as you can and see if that helps at all.

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Good advice Greek, i used to be in the sun more than a builder, even more so when abroad i noticed today when in it for 20 mins i couldnt stand it, felt senstive and even some sort of reaction to it. So came in doors. Ive seen it mentioned on the forum by others previously .

The best thing here in Middle Europe is a very cold springtime and a suggested cold Summer in 2021. The worst thing for us would be a hot Summer. The best climate for pfs would be Irish Atlantic choast, the Highlands or Iceland.

Why do u think so? I guess most of us pfs patients have severe cold intolerance, me included. Summer is way better than cold for most of us.

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What’s this new research just announced about George Berreto and mitochondrial damage in pfs patients?

@anon74895881 my hands and feet are always cold my body temp is permanently below 36 degrees. Im cold to the touch. Yet i cant be in direct sun, warm baths or showers as they prune my skin. its seriously fucked this disease. Every door slams shut.

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Hey Ryan, what are ur current free T4 levels?

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Haven’t had any done for over a year i also get sore throats so expect theres a problem but everything is always in range

Sorry. I only thought of a very hot Summer and my Problems with the sun. I woun’t have been cynic to you all. Sorry!

But you all are my new family, my last Friends, you are all very important for me. And for my Feeling this times, it is no Joke!

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