Hi all,
I haven’t been regularly posting here for about a year. To sum up my history, I fin and dut since about 2009. Around 2011 is when the pfs really took off. For about two years I have been on a paleo diet. I started making my own milk kefir since summer 2014. Since August 2015 I had made a really strong effort to cut out all soy and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers), which is actually quite difficult. I went back to eating breads and pastas and having occasional beer. Since August, for the most part things were going well and I was feeling, in my retrospective opinion, that recovery could be coming in the near future. I was as content as ever in the last four years.
Things have taken a downturn in the last few weeks. I’ve developed some kind of recurring hives that I just can’t figure out. I can’t tell if it is related to any specific food or if it is related to histamine, or maybe a vitamin deficiency. Going to see an allergist soon. My skin was also feeling uncomfortable, like just making a line on it made a red mark that kind of burned for an hour. It seems in the last few days this may have gone away.
Anyway, depression has set in seriously for the first time in a long time. Before pfs, I dealt with OCD and depression when I was in college. It’s like I can’t stop thinking about how horrible our situation is and how hopeless it is. Every time I think about or remember how long I’ve been going through this, I get just an awful anxiety in my stomach. I’m having trouble making it through the work day as all I can think about is my pfs. Could these skin disorders have anything to do with pfs? I keep thinking how much more can I take? I almost want to get more SSRI’s to deal with the depression like when I was in college.
I know this story is not anything new, but I have to say something because I don’t have much of a support network outside of my parents to talk about this. And the brain fog is also really strong too. Hope someone can post some words of encouragement.