dealing with brain fog and cognitive issues

Ok guys,

I’m about a year in, and everybody told me one of the first things to improve would be my mental side effects. I may not want to kill myself every day anymore, but my brain fog and comprehension issues are still dreadful. I can’t work, and I lose focus if I try to challenge my brain after about 15-30 minutes and then I’m fogged all day. Does anybody know of any protocols that help with brain fog? Clomid? Or anything that will temporarily alleviate symptoms so I can try and get a job again? I am very, very frustrated with this aspect of the syndrome.

Any help will be appreciated.

it’s worth noting too that my diet and exercise habits are pretty impeccable.

I eat a ‘raw until four’ diet with a paleo main meal afterwards and only have a ‘cheat’ day with things such as coffee or chocolate once in a blue moon. I don’t drink alcohol either, and I lift heavy weights with HIIT at least 4 times a week.

fuck this shit, seriously.

You should try water fasting if you can manage to do a 4 water fast that should really help your mental sides. If you cant do a 4 day fast try doing a 2 day water fast.

Yes, it seems like the water fast has helped a lot of people. Hang in there. When I was at one year I was still so fogged. If you’re anything like me, you will naturally see vast improvement within the next 6-12 months. That’s with doing nothing, just letting time pass.

Mark2012, how long did you have mental sides? What is your diet like now, and after your fast? How quickly did your mental symptoms go away after the fast? How much weight did you lose on the fast? Thanks

cheers lads.

I’ve already done a 2 day and a 3 day water fast about a week and a half apart, and I guess there was some improvement. i’m definitely going to fast again, aiming for a period of 5 days, but I’m trying to put on a couple of kilos first. I’ve also been back on the deprenyl which is helping a little bit and have some clomid arriving in the mail soon which I will proceed with caution with. thanks for the positivity. the side effects I hate the most are the mental ones, having no personality or feelings other than anger and stress is not a real life.

80% of my mental sides were gone after 6 months but I didnt fully recover from those sides until this year. Being able to enjoy alochol was the last thing to come back.

I dont eat a very good diet junk food is the one vice I have. Just a few days after the fast I began to feel better but it was only after a few weeks that I really started to feel the benefits like getting my emotions back.

I did not lose very much weight during the fast I lost much more weight when the crash happenend but bare in mind because of PFS it was and still is hard for me to put on or to lose weight.

So you’re saying you were already at 80% before the fast, but the fast got you the last 20? What symptoms were you dealing with? Did the fast directly fix any of the following: head pressure, extreme concentration problems, mental fatigue, sleep not feeling restful, motivation problems etc?

I’m starting a 4 day fast as of now. It seems to be the only thing that has consistently helped people around here, and I can’t deal with the mental sides any longer.

The main thing the fast did(the 4 day one) was bring back my emotions and made my thinking a lot clearer, that got me up to about 90%.mentally.

Good luck on your fast. Make sure to only drink water. A juice fast is nowhere near as good as a water fast.

Yeah, same. Wasn’t until about a year and a half before mine cleared up for the most part. And it was BAD.

it’s so strange how this drug affects people in such different ways. some people have little to no mental side effects and heavy sexual, some have the opposite and some have both.