David's Hormones

ok, here’s T, LH, FSH taken Nov 28th @ 9:40am

T: 28.5 range (10.5 - 30) nano litres or something

LH: 5.6 range (1.5 - 8.0) units / litre

FSH: 1.6 range (1.5 - 9.0) units / litre

feedback? …thanks in advance!

ok,just converted 25.8 T to american measure…

814.28 ng/dl

that’s high isn’t it?

Those are great T numbers, although your FSH is almost borderline… have you considered a sperm/fertility test? How is your ejaculate volume?

Did you get Free/Bioavailable Testosterone, SHBG, Prolactin, TSH and Estradiol checked as well? Those are very important.

thanks for the response - what exactly (in lay man terms) does FSH do ?

looked at wikipedia but it’s all mumbo jumbo… to me anyways.

T, LH + FSH were the only thins my endo told me to get (in a letter in the post)

i went for more tests today - an “androgen profile”

dont know what that entails, but should give me DHEA + DHT. I haven’t actually seen my endo yet. 28th of jan. cant come soon enough…

ejaculate… amm… low enough… it was never huge, but… gives a few droplets anyways…

2 questions:

  • low FSH suggest i could be sterile?

  • could my high T suggest that i’m not converting any to DHT ?

Sorry, in my last post I forgot to mention Estradiol.

FSH controls sperm production, you likely are not infertile but it doesn’t hurt to check if numbers are low.

High Total Testosterone is only part of the picture. If you do not have enough Free/Bioavailable Testosterone (ie, it may be bound to SHBG or Albumin and thus not available to the body), you will likely feel the effects of that.

DHT can be measured in serum but from what I have read it is not an accurate marker of 5-AR activity. You would need to test for Adiol-G (3alpha-androstanediol glucuronide), which is a metabolite of DHT.

If you end up having high Total Testosterone/Bioavailable/Free Testosterone, I don’t think you will have issues converting to DHT. More likely your issues lie elsewhere… ie, elevated prolactin, TSH, Cortisol, Estradiol, or other androgens in the steroidogenesis pathway (look up some hormone diagrams).

But without a complete workup, you will never know… ask your endo if he can give you complete bloodwork as per this site.

thanks again dude.

haven’t really got time to read that in details but i will later.

thanks for the info.

just curious - are you a doc, or just well educated on the subject?

I’m just a regular guy like you (now aged 28) that took the drug when I was 25 for 11 months

I got mental/sexual/physical sides while on it, some of which have yet to return to normal after quitting 2 yrs ago (loss of libido, ED, penile/testicular shrinkage & numbness, reduced ejaculate consistency/volume, fatigue).

I’ve simply read through the materials contained on this site in the Medical Research sections, and various other sites. If you want to understand more about hormones, how the HTPA works, and how Finasteride can affect this, suggest you do the same.

guess i’m gonna have to wait until i get the other results then…

i’ve just started the second week of brocilli treatment… on tuesday night there i had sex with a girl, rock solid and huge (by my standards!!) with no problems…

i have been a little stressed out since that time though as i had a coldsore, kissed her, then got a BJ. so i was pretty worried about herpies!

since starting the broccolli treatment i have been feeling somewhat normal.

quite worried about things once again so perhaps that has set me back a bit.

thanks again Mew!

onwards and upwards!


i tried the brocilli treatment a few weeks ago.

I also had some blood tests taken after the first week.

Testosterone 35 range ( 10 - 28 )

I’ve decided to stop messin about with treatments until i see my endo on the 28th.

thought i’d share the results

As I was saying in another thread earlier, I’ve seen people speak of being on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) with T numbers of like 1100 in a 300-850 range who notice ZERO benefit from treatment until they get Estradiol under control (i.e. below mid-range). Otherwise, yeah, it could be high SHBG/low Free Testosterone, etc. The point is, high Testosterone could be meaningless if it’s not allowed to function properly. I hope you are getting at least the minimum necessary tests suggested in this forum. Mew mentions these:

Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Bioavailable Testosterone
Estradiol (E2)

There are no guarantees, but chances are that something will suggest itself out of those results. Otherwise, somebody more informed than I might want to offer thoughts. But anyway, according to anything I’ve read, your Total T is beyond optimal range for someone under 40, so something else must be interrupting its task.

i haven’t actually spoken with my endo yet…

meeting him for the first time on jan 28th. Took almost 3 months to meet him. He did send me a letter however, requesting that i get T, LH, FSH

but i dont think they indicate too much…

i did get a “androgen profile” but that didn’t contain much… so i’ll have to wait and see.

my endo specialises in diabetes… so i think endo might just be a thing ont he side…

fingers crossed…


i just read (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolactin) that elevated prolactin can:


Considering my FSH levels were almost below range… could this suggest elevated prolactin?

I would test it, mine came back abnormal. And if other values are ok and symptoms are still there, it would be worth investigating…

yeah, i’m gonna phone my endo tomorrow and see if he’d be willing to schedule another appointment…

wish me luck!

and good luck to everybody else on here!

fingers crossed this time next year we’ll all be cured + have hot girlfriends and we’ll give them one solid valentines bangin!!