Dating with Post-Finasteride Syndrome

I am interested to hear other’s experiences with dating since they have acquired PFS. Unfortunately, I’ve really found it difficult to be attractive to females. I don’t want to chalk all of this up to Finasteride, but it just feels like something is missing.

Is there any evidence that the hormonal changes we experienced reduce our attractiveness to the opposite sex? I don’t really know how to articulate what I mean, but I rarely feel like a woman has any interest in me, something that I didn’t find as big of a problem before all of this.

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For a woman (or a man) to be interested in you, you have to exude self-confidence, you have to flirt, you have to take the initiative, etc - not be afraid of intimacy like I am (we are?). How one can do that with a limp and shrunken dick I still haven’t figured out.


i don’t date, indeed. that’s because the idea of a date makes me feel so anxious and in panic that i cannot afford all that stress.

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So you think that side of things is all in my head?

What I am wondering is if the physiological and/or neurological effects this had on me have actually made me less attractive?

I will say though, I find eye contact and confidence much harder to exude.

I wouldn’t say it is all in your head because that would deny the physical reality of PFS. Could you behave as if you didn’t have PFS? Sure. That is not easy though and might take a while to master. It would help if you are a good actor. Perhaps others will tell you differently. I can’t say I am there yet. I used to have great self confidence, I could flirt, I could be funny, I was assertive, and so on - everything people find sexy in a date or a potential partner. Can’t say I do any of that any more. In that sense, I do think it is psychological rather than neurological (same goes for the depression and the other emotional but most likely not the cognitive symptoms), but that’s my own opinion. That doesn’t mean overcoming it is any less difficult.

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guys try taking huge doses of pine pollen powder daily. it contains androsterone in it which converts to DHT via 3α-HSD. no 5ar needed. Probably won’t work for everyone but I went from being impotent for two months to spontaneous erections and super confident around women by doing this.

unfortunately the effect stops if i stop taking the powder, but as long as im taking it i feel pretty great

Well I know when I feel good with strong libido (=my DHT/AR is working) I behave completely different than in a crash (I have small mini crashes sometimes). I walk around with amazing confidence, alpha feeling.

The way you feel and behave is almost completely regulated by your hormones and neurotransmitters. Also, you cant just “fake it” in my opinion. If you feel like a castrated moron its no wonder you cant attract women.

And women can actually SMELL how high your Testosterone is (I read this recently somewhere). Its all subcounscious of course.

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What treatments have you found make you feel your androgens?

Interesting, which brand do you buy?

Completely know how this feels, need some kind of treatment to get me back to natural confidence. I’ll try the Pine Pollen.

Nothing has had a lasting effect for me. Always seem to dwindle back to a state of numb, lethargic anhedonia.

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How often do you feel like everything is working / not working? Do your symptoms cycle? Can I ask what your symptoms are and do they completely resolve?

Progesterone and tribulus had the biggest effect.

My pfs is a bit weird. I have moments where I feel almost 100% normal every single day, but I also still get the opposite (zero libido, extreme anhedonia). I also have to do everything “right” (timing of supplements, TRT) to feel decent. One tiny mistake( wrong food for example) and my body crashes.

Symptoms are sexual, mental (anhedonia, motivation, but no sleep issues or anxiety) and physical (shrinkage, beard density, unable to gain muscle)

My physical symptoms never resolve no matter what I do.

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Huh, that’s interesting, I have similar things going on (but not quite the same) they all resolve regularly, and come back again. All symptoms get better and worse all at once for me.

Hi guys
The dating game subject
In my opinion this really can be a tricky one
Having confidence when you know that you have sexual dysfunction issues it’s one hell of a biggy its not like things are not going to get noticed sooner or later.
The next thing that hits you is how are you going to explain these things when the time comes.
The list goes on and on which can all make things very stressful just thinking about it the more you think the worse it can get …

We have to first learn to accept what finasteride has done to us then adopt a different outlook on things and just take it all one step at a time.
We are all perfectly capable of being a loving caring devoted partners and parents and a loving family member let’s not let these drug side effects take everything away. I’m sure many of you guys are like myself gone are the pre finasteride days where you just wanted to hump everything with tits lol thanks to Finasteride alot of us have next to zero libido erectile dysfunction loss in sensitivity of the penis along with other side effects. If you learn to overcome (ignore) these issues mentally and viagra works phsically there is no reason that we cannot maintain a sexual loving relationship and possibly have children. I’m not saying sex is everything but you have to be fare to your partner she or he will likely have a normal sex drive so its important to keep things going in the bedroom even if it’s minimal in the way of frequency.
Most guys would prefer some companionship in life don’t let these issues hold you back.

Once a good relationship is formed and you have trust in your partner you can tell them about these issues they will either run a mile or stick with you.

Above everything guys NEVER EVER give up
Not on life
Not on dating / relationships
Not on finding the reasons behind the side effects of finasteride
And Never give up on yourself


With regards to dating, as well as what propecia etc. has done to us, there is also an undeniable psychological component at play here. Any confidence we had in the past has taken a massive hit. This will take both work and time to renegotiate. I suppose in a way there is also that degree of having to manage expectations, both in terms of how we perform ourselves, and also that unknown factor of how any potential dates respond in kind. Like any unfair life event, this may reduce the number of successful relationships that are available to us, and instead of the ready casual sex that many of us mourn, it may be better shorter term to work for more holistic relationships. There can be anxieties attached to trying to act as if everything is okay. If we allow for a little more disclosure then we may scare more dates off, but at the same time we also may bring into our lives partners with more long term integrity who are looking for more than a skin deep fuck.


Very wise words Scotsman

I’ve had my share of skin deep using bitches that luckily for my sake i never disclosed anything thankfully or no doubt i would of ended up on being mocked publicaly via stupid Facebook or some dumb shit like that Never disclose until you have full trust.
I’ve also lost relationships due to lack of sex drive and possibly from not being touchy feely or even spontaneous due to the obvious factors that side effects leave us with.
This can be a kick in the teeth when your trying to act as you say as if everything is ok.
It’s hard to get the balance as everything that’s natural has been taken away i.e new relationships tend to have that rampant start in the bedroom now balancing this one without becoming the first person to ever OD on viagra is certainly a difficult challenge then you have the anxiety of spontaneous expectations spare of the moment its like Oh shit i didn’t see this one coming :astonished: its all a difficult situation far from easy it’s going to have its ups and downs trial and errors along the way but all in all its well worth the effort in a bid to find a long lasting relationship.

The disclosure part may work out ok too as it takes the pressure off of us to perform at the drop of a hat and let’s be honest I’m sure some partners would appreciate it as strange as that sounds but for someone who is insecure having a guy that not only doesn’t have any interest but cannot just sneak off for a quicky on the back seat or on the office desk could put their minds at rest.
When disclosure time comes around let’s hope that by sharing our most intermet secrets we actually create the most intermet relationship possible.