Really great article ! Is it just online or in the paper today too?
In the hard copy, paper format today
I’m not that impressed tbh doesn’t really cover it could have went a lot further, better than nothing !!! Sets us up as losers with sexual dysfunction and depression. Covering epigenetics, neuro steroids etc would have closed the door on that
That comment section was about what I expected, unfortunately. It’s annoying to see so many people hit us with the classic “just shave it bro” line. The bald look doesn’t suit everyone, and wanting to look good shouldn’t be some cardinal sin. But I guess it is, and that’s part of the reason we get no sympathy.
Also annoying to see comments like “wow, meds have side effects. i never would’ve guessed.” as if persistent side effects are supposed to be normal.
Sorry, i was editing my comment when you liked it. Although it didn’t really change anything lol