Underwhelming nothing new why the hell did I give my real name. Makes me out to be a soft shite who can’t deal with a bit of depression. What about the 80 other symptoms that have taken me down and the serious ones that some complain of like facial disfigurement, destruction of the biom, loss of connective, muscle and bone tissues, organ problems and much more. The suicides are because of the breakdown of the body not because of perceived depression which we don’t have. We suffer some similar traits due to drug induced lowered neurosteroids and memory loss, alzheimer like symptoms aren’t depression. I’m in disbelief been led up the garden path by the Daily Mail once again. I now know why many don’t come forward. They also changed what Tom said. This article won’t deter unsuspecting innocent young men from taking this poison, you can see it in the comments, its been taken lightly. I even had another National lined up but went with the DM as they told me they’d deliver on the seriousness.
We need stronger regulations that mean only doctors can prescribe finasteride, not websites.
Of course, because doctors are so well versed on the condition and its triggers.
Yeh good point they just push us out the door 1nce the shit hits the fan
Pathetic. I saw a ‘respected’ dermatologist less than 2 years ago who recommended I take finasteride. I asked if it was safe and he told me there were no real side effects. Here I am after 4 pills. Why is this the call to action?
I can understand a little bit of disappointment because I know from experience that what we say is rarely included in the articles. But it is an additional step that contributes to the denunciation of potential misdeeds that affect many people and you will see that there will be some fallout, so it should be seen as a new door open to the future.
In any case, many thanks for all these efforts!
Yeah thanks for the effort @LazarusRy. It’s appreciated regardless. Your comments were spot on.
I completely agree with you @LazarusRy on all your points.
At least there is still stuff in there that will chip away at the public consciousness, even although the piece itself is poor journalism. There is no depth to it, just stringing bits together whilst absolutely failing to convey the proper picture. There are news organisations out there which I’m sure would be more comprehensive, but at least DM has significant reach. Well done for this, despite the disappointment. Off the top of my head The Sunday Times is famous for detailed investigations. Try not to be too disheartened. At least you know definitively now that DM journalism isn’t necessarily interested in presenting the complete truth. There are definitely more details in it than previously, like the Reuters ref and also the MHRA review. That should have an impact especially.
I don’t believe for a second that people would think that you’re a soft shite. You’re the hardest shite I know
And I don’t think that anyone reading the article would be paying attention to your name either, unless it was Ryanella Clarkenbottom or something like it. You’ve got a name that blends in with the crowd. Just because a journalist does you a disservice, it doesn’t take away your own integrity and willingness to put your head above the parapet.
Also, comments sections are invariably where empty vessels make the most noise.