Cured after 11 years

Before SERMS like clomid, some countries (like India) would prescribe Proviron instead of Testosterone for HRT since it wasn’t as suppressive and even improved some cases of low sperm count.

Yeah mee too in this forum there is at least 3 recoveries with proviron

After doing some research on proviron, i guess, at right doses and timing, proviron can really be antidote for finasteride. I am just curious about what if its supresses my natural low normal T. Anyway, i will try this soon too.


In the long term It’ll supress your T at high doses (75mg+) @FinDestroyedMe

Then what should be the answer for this? What if i run 200 mg proviron for 8 weeks and in the end it doesnt do amything for our androgen insensitivity and we also end up with suppressed T!! This protocol is really unpredictable. Did @pal have low T to begin with?

You guys should watch this if you want to know more about proviron:


Well do you even have working T in your body? Worth a try if you have pfs anyways. Btw Proviron is not that supressive. Even some studies claimed no changes on T levels at 200-300mg. Some said it is lowered tho, but not that much.

don´t you have any sexual symptoms ?

if you don´t have PFS, just use Testosterone TRT. It will work for normal people.

That same Endo would probably have no problem prescribing you Finasteride.


Very similar to my case, have you tried St John’s Wort yet? It’s probably the best thing I’ve taken for my symptoms so far.

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Great video. He’s very knowledgeable and also good to see someone as passionate about him you can tell he’s genuinely interested.

My testosterone is 650. Still i dont feel anything. I am 100% sure this is all from finasteride cold turkey quit. It just made my hormones go out of whack. I dont think everyone here has sexual symptoms. Sexual symptoms is not even a matter when u cant function physically. Idk why people here give so much importance for sexual symptoms. We should spread finasteride, accutane, anti depressents effects physically and mentally rather than just terming them as a “boner killer”. That’s why we never get acknowleged and media awareness.

This isn’t correct. Many patients do suffer sexual symptoms but it is not a prerequisite to be considered to be suffering from PFS. There are a fair proportion of patients who have exclusively neurological and or physical symptoms. Please read this for further information

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I will read. I think if propecia causes all problems of the world may be fall into disrepute.

Yup he also made a video about pfs and sees more and more men in his office.

Not all the problems of the world, just the full scope of the clinical picture as reported by patients for over two decades and reinforced by the collective data from our patient survey

Symptoms 3


Dont underestimate the power of finasteride. I wouldn’t be shocked if someone reported they got cancer after they consumed finasteride. This poison is a nuclear bomb in itself

Guys, Soya doesnt give you reaction? Libido cambe back, body odor, good semen, no brainfog


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What do you mean?