Cured after 11 years

Yes I think it’s great you’re trying just wish it was working better.


Pal did say he started feeling better after a few weeks. Anyways I totally feel like hell right now. Lines up with pals theory.


Don’t let people put you down. I have read ion another forum of a user getting treated with DHT gel only and it worked. It may take months for you to get to pre pfs level. If you are interested in the post feel free to pm.


I call bullshit. And this might come off as an emotional argument but apart from his very limited activity in this forum would a guy who suffered from PFS for 11 years really write such a dispassionate conclusion to his journey?
‘Had PFS for 11 years now my ED is gone and I have my libido back and my mental problems are gone. Cool.’
Come on…


Didn’t know passionate conclusions were required in our posts! Is everyone off their meds this week? Look, everyone here is taking Pal’s story with a grain of salt. It’s just that some of us here have been sick for a VERY long time. The medical community hasn’t figured us out and we are having to experiment with some wild shit we’d never do in normal circumstances. Pals advice might turn out to be crapola, but he doesn’t have the signatures of a scam artist or psychopath.


Can you share the link here or PM me please? I wanna read.

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Cmon man lol. The guy wrote a whole detailed post telling us everything he tried. Not everyone is going to act all emotional on here once they feel recovered people move on.


More people have been cured with proviron. And what incentive does he have to lie?

Serious it’s shit like this that prevents people from coming here and sharing their recovery story. Instead of being grateful, you get shit on and called a liar.


Coming to end of week 4.

The negative effects for me are wearing off and I generally feel better now. I did feel rubbish for a good period of time in regards to sexual function, energy levels and lack of mental clarity. But it wasn’t the same worsening as a PFS crash.

Over the last week have noticed I feel more heat to down below, normal size and energy levels are improving. Still sometimes some mental fog at times particularly towards end of the day.

3 weeks to go. Then we’ll see what happens.


I have read here that they gave Proviron to men between 300 to 450mg daily for 6 weeks against depression…It looks like it’s pretty safe even at these doses.


I remember coming across that same article a while back. I was a little surprised that it was being proposed for depression, but it does seem to have a cooling/calming effect on mood - at least in the beginning before it pushes free T too high and I start feeling a bit aggressive. I’ve noticed this effect both times I’ve tried it. Interesting…and another good post to show it’s relative safety.


There was another study on it being used to treat bi polar disorder as well.


You can do a lot of harm with those ‘Experiments’ aka throwing the kitchen sink at our problem. Especially with proviron.

It’s just the same story as with that tribulus craze. Some dude made a wild claim and dozens jumped onto it and some actually did substantial harm to their health by doing that. I feel like this story will repeat itself for forever in this forum here.

Don’t call me an impolite asshole for warning people.


Crab in a bucket mentality, true he could get worse but at least he is attempting it, sitting around waiting for help that most likely isn’t going to come anytime soon is insane to me.


Have you been recruiting people with PSSD and PAS to fill out the survey and doing anything else to promote attention to our problem or anything else to advance research?

No I haven’t but I have done my part trying to warn people about the dangers of this crap outside of the forum so they don’t have to be in situations like this to begin with.

I hate to admit it but it seems like we are better off trying to figure this out ourselves, the money for some of the research projects are to expensive and we can’t even prove our conditions even exists in the first place so raising the money is a struggle in itself. I can’t believe more people haven’t filled in the survey it’s disappointing to me to but it’s not getting us anywhere for the time being.


Says a lot about your mentality if you think that everyone is just out to prevent you from getting better.

Nothing could be further from the truth, I hope you all get rid of this shit as soon as possible and live very fullfilled and happy lifes. We all deserved that after going through this nightmare.

But yes, I think it is just incredibly tempting for a lot of guys to do something. But sometimes that is just not the right call if your options are this risky. The list of people with a normal hormone profile and in perfect health crashing on proviron-esque drugs is long as fuck and not seldomly resulted in suicide. (Sounds familiar doesn’t it?) And you want to do what they did already being fucked up from a different hormone disrupting drug and basically without medical supervision, because there is a single anecdote of a guy with a board history of 4 posts who claims to have had progress on it. That is mental, mate.

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What is really more mental - sitting around and letting PFS punch us in the dick forever or taking some action that could theoretically help? Are you a doctor?..because you sure sound like one when u advocate for the first option over trying a mild steroid that’s probably safer than Clomid (which really makes me feel horrible). Sure, there’s people that it makes feel worse, but there’s also more than this guy’s story to go on…and it’s not just his story, it’s the anti-crash (creating the opposite dynamic that Fin/Dut did) theory behind it that offers hope.


I’ve been stuck with this shit since late 2017 I’m not going to keep waiting I’m going to continue to experiment and if I get worse then so be it at least I died attempting to get better before ending it all without trying anything. So far I’ve tried TRT (8 months) and tribulus cycles both didn’t do shit but I’m not giving up.


Yeah same here, late 2017, cry me a river.
You do you, just don’t get upset when someone points out that your risky methods can’t even be called experimental, but are based on anecdotes of forum ninjas and a ‘theory’ that’s mere conjecture.
That’s not polemics, it’s just the truth.