Cured after 11 years

I’m doing the protocol, on day 16. It’s very up and down, have felt okay today but felt awful yesterday.


I’m still trying to figure out if the bad feeling (supposedly a good sign in the beginning) is a result of the higher DHT itself or the shutdown + displacement (lowering) of E2.

I guess I’ll find out soon - I start tomorrow.


I m on day 11. Felt awful first 3-4 days, feel okayish now. Will try to update my state.


How are you doing guys? @Chapman @Renegade @maarkus94 @MCurtone

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Hopefully they’re doing shitty. The goal is to feel like shit for 7 weeks. Then stop taking DHT and slowly feel less and less shitty for a while as endogenous production slowly recovers, and then after a couple more months be back to normal that is better than before you started. Right?


I’m not shitty yet :frowning_face: I’m on on Day 6. Started out with 50mg for 3 days, then bumped to 100mg. Plan on bumping to 200mg as soon as I have an indication on when my next batch will arrive (I didn’t order enough 1st time and don’t want to run out).

Haven’t felt anything definitive yet (good or bad). I’m hoping it’s because of the dose being too low and not because I have bunk gear or aren’t a good candidate for the protocol.


Potential that it’s bunk, proviron from bayer schering pharma is no longer made so if you got any that is by that company it’s fake. All the other under ground ones aren’t pharma grade either. I basically got scammed on my stuff and never even received it. Sourcing legit DHT is not easy at all imo.


It’s not Bayer brand. It’s a UGL source that extracts it from Dragon prostate glands.

The biggest difference I feel is that I m sleepy all the time. I sleep two times a day . On day 16 atm, taking 200mg per day. Also I never had problem getting out of bed, but now it takes me a few minutes. Also I used to really enjoy playing arena in wow ( the game) now I can’t be arsed.


Doing okay, I always feel shit unfortunately, that’s pfs for me lol. Tinnitus is definitely worse since being on this not many other changes. My facial hair is thicker, so my wife saids, but I didn’t really notice.


Do you (or anyone reading this) have a reliable source of Proviron? My doctor (in the US) wrote a prescription for me in a bid to hopefully find a reliable source.

My story is virtually identical to the original poster and I’m at the end of my rope. I took the survey and will post my story soon.

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Please post your experiences with it after the usage. You might want to hang out on bodybuilding forums to find a reliable source. Ask some people about it. In my country we can get it on pharmacy so idk about U.S.


On day 12 now. I forgot to mention the other day that there is one negative effect the Proviron seems to be having on me: LOOSE STOOLS! Wtf, anyone else getting this?

Other than that, I seem to be feeling above baseline (unless it’s placebo).


Yeah I’ve been getting it since day 5, really odd. I have 22 days to go. I’ve been feeling better the last 2 days, also I haven’t been getting cold appendages lately.


Same here. I track my basal body temp like a TTC woman, and it has increased about half way back to normal.

As of right now, I’m not getting my hopes up with any positive effects unless I start to see some MAJOR improvements that indicate the “switch has been flipped” - like body recomposition.


If this improves my tinnitus, I’ll start to believe. Here’s hoping pal that we can do a pal haha and be done with this curse!!!


I’m on day 13.

First few days noticed increased androgen action - increased beard growth, spots on back. Slight increase in libido and erections.

Then day 3-9 didn’t feel too bad in fact had a bit more energy.

Day 10 to now - feel exhausted, tired physically and mentally. No interest in sex. Less motivation. Hard to get out of bed. Suspect this is similar to pal.

Gonna do 7 weeks. Never done any steroid use in my 12 years of PFS so this is new to me but clearly not responding like a normal person to androgens.


This is the same response I’m having to Proviron. Some slight androgenic feeling up until yesterday (day 13). Oily skin (even got some little pimples), slightly better energy, libido, etc…nothing to write home about. Then yesterday was horrible, worse than baseline, like crashing from an AI. Then today I went back to feeling okay like first 12 days.


How are your joints doing? Cracking a lot or any inflammation/pain?

No difference in joints yet. Just bumped dose from 100mg to 150mg this morning.