Creatine monohydrate with Calcium d glucarate and Vitamin B6

I read this over at Obviously a lot of the users there are using steroids, and many of them have PFS. I don’t post there, so I can’t PM to ask the guy any questions… but I was interested in this protocol. It seems like many guys here have tried creatine and recovered for a few days only to crash again hard. I wonder if a lower dose of it would be effective, combined with the anti-estrogen and anti-prolactin approach? I wonder if balancing several hormones in a slow manner would help us? Hoping to get your thoughts!

This is very good man. I felt serious improvements, and i’m hoping that i will recover, following similar regime. More precisely, i reduced prolactin and started reducing estrogen with i3c ( cauliflower) just few days ago. After that few days i feel really much better. ED isn’t gone but it will be if nothing changes in my current recovery trend. So far, that shrinkage that was so humiliating is almost gone!
I think that reducing prolactin, actually, isn’t necessary, because it is effect of high estrogen; but b6 should be taken because it should raise our low progesterone.

So, the only question is creatine. And because i believe those guy(s) who had bad experience with it i will try some alternative for raising dht… margarine, slightly helped me. Nystatin did too, but i am not sure whether it has long lasting effects. But, for raising dht it is necessary to raise testosterone first, which i am trying with tribulus.

And, to conclude, my opinion is that there are at lease two groups of pfs victims: one that could recover following the recipe you have posted (or something very similar to it), because their problem is only related to hormones; and the other one, that has some more mystical issues to solve.

Creatine and Vitamin B6. This are part of my current protocool and definetly feel better! A had no crash, but Im taking brocolli everyday. (be careful with it because it blocks androgen receptors).

And Im going to include calcium D glucarate SOON, in exchange of the brocoli probably.

