The researchers suspect that a creatine supplement increases the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase somewhere in the body.
The scientists believe that their discovery is important for athletes. They warn of the potential side-effects of creatine, and argue that more research should be done on whether creatine increases the risk of baldness and benign enlargement of the prostate.
Not the most reputable study but creatine is a very safe supplement to take. I’m going to start taking some for sure.
I have added in creatine a few months ago and it definitely helps with increasing muscle size and strength. Any other benefits, such as the ones mentioned in this study would surely be a welcomed benefit for us all.
that’s a great web site, by the way. lots of useful studies.
I tried supplementing creatine while on propecia to combat fatigue and get back in the gym. It made me angry and full of rage. I had to stop taking it because I wanted to hurt people. all the time.
That sounds like it boosted your T levels through the roof! How much were you taking? Not that it’s good to always be like that, but you do want to be aggressive while working out in the gym. It’s the only way to really get jacked and full of muscle.
Sorry I missed this a long time ago. Sometimes when I don’t log in for a few days there are so many posts that I lose a few.
I don’t remember the exact dosage but I got the GNC brand at GNC. I just took one dose at time of workout every other day for about a week, the dose was whatever was listed on the package. My memory for that time is still foggy (side of fin).
CD I’ve read more about your T supps and am going to buy some the next time I’m in the US from Primordial Performance. Have you laid out your PCT day for day for the length of the cycle anywhere?
Mew, do you delete posts?