Crashed from Arimidex

Don’t be dumb and do what I did, take Aromatase inhibitors.

So my logic was I’ve had high estrogen before and I got loss of libido and numbness so I thought damn I’ll just take 1mg of Adex.

I did this yesterday and at first it brought back some of my libido but then I started to get some brain fog and hot flashes.

It felt like everything took a second to process and I was moving at a delay nothing felt real etc…

Today I just feel super zoned out lethargic and I’m getting joint pains which is the scariest. My stomach feels all fucked up I even vomitted in the night. I’m super dehydrated but pissing all the time.

Now the only thing I can hope is that I don’t cause an estrogen dsyfunction and end up like some of the worse sufferers.

I think I did it because I was clasping at straws but I honestly have no idea looking back why I took 1mg. Prey for me guys


Don’t take that stuff again! It’s powerful and I got PFS from another aromatase inhibitor. @gents93 also got PFS from arimidex.

The symptoms you’re describing are very common to crashing your estrogen. Estrogen is important and needed in men’s bodies. You took a large dose of it, and you should be okay in a couple of days. Many TRT patients only take 0.25 mg twice or three times a week, and that is after monitoring blood levels of E2.


Im sorry to be mean, but why dont you guys listen…This shit isnt a hormonal problem, otherwise this forum wouldnt even have existed…There is no way to cure yourself by manipulating your hormones…You were already on TRT before starting fin, and you are still on TRT ,so why the heck would TRT stop working all of a sudden?..Becuz simply its not hormonal…There are guys, i know, who are fat as fuck, and have leaps and bounds higher estrogen, and low T in comparison to me, and still they go on their GF every night no problem whatsover…You will recover from this Setback, i can guarantee you this, but to be cured from PFS is something i cant even promise myself (Please DO NOTHING NOW, since you are at the beginning of this shit, and you can easily become suicidal, if you are not careful, and FFS the last thing i want to know, that you killed yourself the same day someone here posts that he found the cure)…I know its hard…Trust me…(I know, probably more than 90% of ppl here would say that, but i was really 10 seconds away from throwing myself from the parking lot where i work)…Im not saying that i wouldnt kill myself in the future, if i dont get better, but to hell with shit, im not going before trying every single f**cking thing on this planet, that might work…Please wait till i finish experimenting, and who knows…Maybe we can kill ourselves together, or be cured and then i will punch you in the face for trying Arimedex :smiley:


Yeah man it fucking sucks. I had such a healthy and strong libido before fin. It was annoyingly high now it’s dead absolutely trashed. I was going to throw myself off a bridge 2 days ago but I couldn’t jump it was too hard

Im gonna spend money on private counselling but fuck I don’t know if he can help me. I don’t think anyone can. I’m just devastated that I’ve changed my life for the worse

Hold on one month brother…Just let me finish my experiment, and then we can talk about counseling and shit (Dont you dare waste your money, or take money from your parents for this shit)…There are some things, you might try (I dont want to call them supplements), that might help with this curse (Actually some ppl have recovered using them), but NOT NOW…Now you only have to wait the first phase of this disease, so you can think clearly, and know your options…You need to let your body reach its baseline (Which trust me, it is a much better place than where you are now)…I was in your shoes, and i couldnt even wait 1 day for my lab results, i felt i was riding a rollercoaster all the time (Anxiety levels i never ever have witnessed in my life, and never even knew it existed in the first place)…What help a little bit, was meeting, and spending time with some friends (I mean real ones, who you can tell about this condition)…They helped get through the first phase…My baseline although pretty bad, is no where near what it was at the beginning… (I literally felt someone physically was pulling my eyelids open everytime i tried to sleep, it was horrible)…Just stay tuned, and pray that SAGE 217 will be the answer to our issue

Listen to the man @Junkieasteride. Two weeks ago I advised you to spend a long period of time away from any substances like steroids and recreational drugs to give your body a break and allow it to function as is without complicating matters further. You replied that you’d “certainly spend a while away from the drugs in order to maximise chance and speed of recovery”. Since then you’ve stated you’ve continued to use TRT, used ketamine and have crashed yourself again with an aromitase inhibitor. You need to slow down. From your username and your statements that you abused steroids in the past (and other recreational substances) it appears that you self medicated in the past to a massive degree. Now that it appears you have PFS, this approach will be far more dangerous than it already was. Very few members over the years report a sudden turnaround after throwing the kitchen sink at this problem. Too often, that approach has cost people dearly. Please give yourself an extended period of time, at least six months, without all these extra drugs, crashing yourself to worse states playing the armchair endocrinologist. It is very early days for you with this and the first period is usually the worst experience for most patients. You don’t know yet what baseline you can get to; give yourself a chance to find out.


Nah you’re right I need to be more careful and hopefully my baseline doesn’t end up too bad, I was in a state of denial. Telling myself it wasn’t true PFS I could get better I suppose. Its awful knowing that any steroid is likely to make me worse I loved them and now I can’t go near them it’s terrible.

I definitely feel like the early periods is tough, I’m really really struggling with it. It’s devastating to me. I already felt like I’d never have a girlfriend that would love me because insecurity but now I feel like it’s set in stone. It also sucks not being emotionally invested in any shows or anything, it’s just all around dreadful that a drug with these potential side effects is approved for cosmetic use

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Trust me dude, its better for now not having a gf…First you wont miss anything, second, she would have left you after knowing you have pfs (99% of guys here ,Including me; got dumped after their gfs knew what they had, and that is ok)…This road is a lonesome one, and you have to preserve all your energy for yourself (I really cant get, how any married man with or wihtout children can hold on to his marriage, if he has pfs. (To the ones who do, i bow in respect to you)

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Thats not a very nice thing to say :upside_down_face: :weary:

Gonna make me cry saying things like that

That’s not true. I had a hot girlfriend I met after I got PFS and we dated for a year and a half and broke up cause of distance. As much as this absolutely sucks and i dont meet girls as easily, a cool chick won’t mind. Just gotta get good at 3rd base

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See my post above

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