Do you think the epigenetic modification happen just overnight? It seems to me a bit unrealistic.
IN MY IMAGINATION, unfortunately it is possible. The reason why it is possible is the function of AR itself managing some epigenetic modifications. when such AR get overloaded and the modificating function itself fall into excess and uncontroled, then the unusual unrealistic event become possible.
Also, if that is the case, then, why the people gets crashing again and again when playing with hormones (increasing DHT)?
IN MY IMAGINATION, because our system is terribly distorted and already lost flexibility and resilience supported by pre-established systematic harmony which it had had before taking poison.
I understand we can suffer a crash for that reason, but just one and we should be able to get a new balance playing with hormones again.
IN MY IMAGINATION, unfortunately maybe no. It is quite easy and in a flash to destroy a beautiful and erabolate work of art or a historical sublime architecture, but it is nearly impossible or at least extravagantly difficult to restore such ruined works as before.
it will be very long time before our body gloss over the structual distortion and then improves to a certain degree as far as possible. It is probably certain that our body has such power of repairing.
Oh! Sorry, now I just realized I was confused. Without doubt, I thought “I” was asked, because your post is replying to mine formally. Forgive me…