"Crash" after masturbation/ejaculation

I can completely relate. If I force masturbation when I am not horny whatsoever (which is 99% of the time) and any sort of pleasure for masturbating is nonexistent, I can feel the brain fog roll in shortly after. Those days and one or two days afterwards are generally the worst days I can have. However, I find that the longer I wait between masturbating (like a week or more), and when I actually choose to do it when I have some notion of being horny (as long as it is semi-pleasurable) it doesn’t affect me as much. I actually had a night about a month back where I honestly felt pretty damn good while masturbating. Something compelled me to do it, and I kind of… knew it was a fitting moment. The day after, I think it was actually the best I’ve felt in awhile. Go figure. I wish the pattern was more clear. I wish I could pick up on obvious causes of my “off days”.

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Same here.

Now I am a bit panicked, because I have hardly been able to get my dick up for the past week or so. There’s just no sensation, I can’t get it properly hard even by stimulating and other times it feels like rubber or dead skin just hanging there. I hope this is a passing stage, I have had a lot of work lately and I’ve been on a kinda strict candida diet.

ghg, what do you mean by a strict anti-candida diet. There are different opinions on what the best diet is for this. Are you referring to a no-carb diet? If so, perhaps your situation is exacerbated due to lack of carbs.

About 3 months ago, my brain fog was MUCH WORSE immediately after ejaculation. These days, the fog seems like it’s always there.

Not no-carb, but very low carb. No dairy, no caffeine, no wheat of any kind, no fruit. Basically meat, veggies, olive oil, coconut oil, some seeds and nuts, etc. I do have toenail fungus and many candida-like symptoms but it could be that fin has caused many of them… Its hard having this many different health problems :frowning:

Have you seen your or others situations become better with “daily recommended” or high amounts of carbs?

regarding this thread… I’ve seen someone else post saying that avoiding masturbation for upwards of 2 weeks left him with an increase in sensitivity and ability to get an erection.

Just read this on reddit and it reminded me of this thread… sounds like it could have some similarities…


Here’s a POIS help forum:

It seems like they are taking an approach as they are allergic or having some kind of auto immune reaction to semen. I would have to investigate this more…

Bryce, I didn’t suggest a standard high carb diet. Many anti candida diets rationalize a 0 carb or very low carb diet. However the transition from a standard to 0 carb or very low carb diet can be difficult and marked by greater fatigue. This may play a role in the poster’s current condition, not to mention if finasteride impaired liver function he would have a more difficult time on a low carb diet.

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Why would low carb diet be hard on an impaired liver? Doesn’t liver have to work harder to help digestion/storage of carbs?

I’ve been on a more “standard” low-carb for over 4 years now, so I don’t think it’s that dramatic a change… It’s just a little tune-up to that, really. Cutting all the crap. I felt v. good on low-carb until about a year ago, when this shit with the itchy head, low body temp and dry skin started. Toenail fungus I’ve had all the time and seb. dermatitis too. My skin was very oily during first 3 years on low-carb and didn’t itch much at all. I was able to live a normal life, but now it’s impossible. My hair feels like hay, my body temp, mood and energy level goes up ‘n’ down and I’m basically a wreck. The only thing I did differently before this started was that I took a supplement called MSM for like a month before this happened. I originally suspected that it could have caused this dry skin and hair symptom, but stopping it didn’t do anything.


^ Umm, what makes you think that I’d have a liver disease?

same here. the coldness in hands/legs is really noticable. worse is brainfog and apathy though, i know that i won’t be going to be active/doing anything significant work easily for the rest of the evening as the treshold is raised to everything.

So I don’t think it’s about masturbating/ejaculating after all. This same body temperature thing has happened even on days when I don’t jack off… getting pretty frightening. My libido is shot, I never get any spontaneous erections, no sexual dreams, no morning boner, nothing. The only way to wake up my dick is by jacking off and even then it isn’t very easy. The moment I stop jacking off, my erection is gone. I’ve now been like half a year without fin after my 2nd run.

So I used fin from 06/2006 to 01/2008. I felt pretty good after quitting, no real sexual sides, the desire was there, the ability was there. If I went a day without jacking off I would sometimes cum in my sleep etc. Scalp itch I experienced while on fin was gone, I had a very oily face and scalp but no itch. Then 3 years after, around 02/2011 everything changed. My skin and scalp went dry and scalp flakes like hell, libido was low, had a hard time getting it up, no interest in sex, low body temperature issues, constant fatigue, etc. At this time (and still) I could go days without wanking and I won’t even get sexual dreams anymore, nothing. So I panicked and jumped on fin again (fucking huge mistake I know) and was on it for 4 months. No change in anything, maybe felt even worse. And that situation is still on and I feel pretty hopeless… so do you guys think it’s even possible to “crash” after such a long time of feeling well? I have tried to treat this like candida but I’m getting to realize that no matter what I eat/don’t eat and no matter what anti-candida supplements and stuff I take will make me feel better. It hasn’t helped ONE BIT. So I think it’s about testosterone or about some kinda hypogonadism. Too bad the tests don’t show hypogonadism (T4V and TsH) and neither anything seriously wrong with testosterone levels (although it was like half of what it was in 2009 when I felt good).

Ehm, I’m crashed after an involuntary ejaculation in the night in a dream.
So everything seems normal to me … :unamused::unamused::unamused:

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hopefully we all havent crashed because of alc and masturbation :confused: i did that on mass after quitting. because first i felt so good after quitting :confused:


I seem to have crashed again but for no reason. Like ghg my body temps dropped. I also felt in a good mood then later on I couldn’t sleep and started twitching. Today my body temps have gone back up, which I assume is due to a cortisol reaction. This makes no sense that I crash from zero stress or changes to my lifestyle/diet. It doesn’t seem like you can recover from this, it’s like the brain can no longer handle any stress and can’t recover by itself.

Anybody think anything on this being a gut issue?