Crash after eye examination with Eye Drops

Hi Guys, A few days ago I had an eye examination to review the gradation of the glasses, I am astigmatic. The ophthalmologist put some drops on me to check my eye pressure. I had refused the fundus eye drops, because they blur the sight for too many hours, and I had to drive. I don’t know what drops he used to control my eye pressure, but they immediately caused a severe sting in my eye which went away after a few hours. Later I had anal itching, I suffer from third degree hemorrhoids and the proctologist diagnosed me with pudendal neuralgia. Today after a week in addition to the itch I have problems with urination, it takes me longer to urinate and the jet seems reduced the flow, next week I have to see a Urologist.

I cannot connect the problem I am experiencing with certainty to the eye examination, it could even be just a coincidence. Now I read about of very powerful drops that are used to examine eye pressure which can interfere with SSRIs and MAO’s.

I also have trouble sitting a lot without a pillow, I feel the inflammation increasing. However, the burning in the eye has passed and they are now fine, the problem is the anal and urinary tract.

For Pudendal Neuralgia, the proctologist prescribed Topster suppositories (Cortisone), a Lipoic acid supplement, and physiotherapy. I have not yet taken the suppositories and the supplement, because I do not know if they can help me, on Monday I also have to see my doctor.

Any Advice?

Can you find out what the drops are? Were you warned of any side effects?

Unfortunately I don’t know what drops he used, I was not warned of any side effects. The Ophthalmologist only said keep your eyes closed for a few seconds because they will burn a little.

Now I feel sad and depressed, because before my PSSD was better. Moreover, this incompetent ophthalmologist also made a mistake with the gradation of my glasses, with the previous ones I could see better. Now I will have the previous gradation put on the new glasses, I will do not another eye examination.

I’m sorry to hear that. I’d get in contact with them and explain that you’ve think you’ve had a reaction, and can you be told what they used so you know what to avoid in the future.

I don’t think there’s any need to tell them what happened, or to explain your condition, but perhaps think about how you’ll answer if they ask.

It seems crazy to me that they’d use eye drops that burn at all!

Try not to stress too much about your condition, a lot of people have blips that get better with time.

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The drops that ophthalmologists use to control eye pressure generally are local anesthetics. I have heard other people crash with local anesthetics after having dental treatment.

Today I seem to be feeling a little better, I hope to recover.

PSSD and PFS seem to have many points in common also in the hypersensitivity to certain substances.

Sweating is good, but I seem to produce less anal and genital lubrication, the anus and testicles are drier, perhaps this is also why I have pain when sitting, and I have to use a pillow.

I’m afraid the ophthalmologist may have used this eye drops for the exam

Stop Googling and ask what the drops were.

Today I feel better, tomorrow I will try to ask what drops were used, even if the ophthalmologist is very rude and may be on vacation.

It is amazing how this condition makes us extremely susceptible to so many active ingredients, which act on neurotransmitters, the central nervous system and the hormonal profile. Few doctors believe it, here where I live in Italy almost no one, yet while things they think are ultra-safe, they can harm us.

This condition should urgently be studied and better understood, it should become part of mainstream medicine.

Unfortunately another eye doctor has found an alteration in the macula, and I will have to do an exam called OCT, I see blurred and overlaid in one eye. I was a very active boy in sports, who also read a lot now i can’t do it , who had overcome various adverse reactions to different drugs after Citalopram had greatly weakened me, since then I seem intolerant to almost all drugs.

I feel depressed by the disabling eye problems and difficulty urinating, I hope to overcome that too.

These are the drops that the old ophthalmologist used, he told me now:

The old ophthalmologist or the one you saw most recently? Are these the ones you think you had a reaction to or are these ones you think are safe?

They are the old drops, I called the old ophthalmologist and he told me he used these to check the eye pressure, they are the drops I think I reacted to badly.