Covering all angles for recovery

This forum has given us so much. We have endless case studies from users who have tried nearly everything. This is a blessing imo, if we have gotten into this situation in a period of no internet access, things would be hopeless.

I believe that if someone researches enough in here, he would get a good idea about what works and what doesn’t.
At the beggining, users here were thinking simply and sensible. Fin messed up with Test>5ar2>Dht, and they focused on fixing low testosterone with trt, dht with proviron etc.
Nothing worked so they started assuming implications in the AR, as even dr. shippen was stating that if someone has normal hormone values but experiencing hypogonadism symptoms, then there must be some kind of androgen resistance taking place.
The majority of the people here were low on test and vit d3, the latter being a good indicator of test function as it belongs to the same nuclear family.
But there were also some people with normal values but still experiencing the same side effects. This is very important as it indicates that the route problem is somewhere else.

I am not going to discuss natural recoveries, as it is sth that cannot be controlled. Some people have recovered with just time and this gives hope to everyone here, especially when doctors have turned our backs to most people here. And of course there would be natural recoveries, even cancers have been overcomed by some people without treatment.

I also believe that exercise is important, it stimulates the body in all aspects, including neurological and hormonal.
Also, diet is definitely helping, especially when most people have developped sensitivities to certain food, digestion is impaired, and surely metabolism. The latter is also affected by low body temp which everyone has got. I have read a study which showed that for every less degree of celcius the body has, metabolism is working 20% less.

To get to the point of this thread, i believe someone should begin his attempt to recover from pfs like this:

A) start with a fast. I think cd nuts also raised this in his recovery thread. It makes complete sense. The human body is designed to get into fasting mode. The body is absorbing much better after a fast.
There are many different ways of fasting, i think the best is the water fast, and the most reasonable one is some invention of a german doctor where you eat 200-300 calories per day. That means just a yoghurt and an apple for example.

B) fix the gut (colon,bacteria). I have seen more than enough people claiming to have recovered by doing so, and it cannot be neglected. Also, serotonin production is getting place in the gastrointestinal tract.
Probiotics, digestive enzymes, clean diet, anti bacterials etc should get the job done. Chi’s thread is a good starting point and also search for survivingpropecia blog.

C) re-establish the methylation cycle. I think 5-6 people who have been examined by specific centres which check for glutathione depletion, have all reported below baseline levels. Its easy: b12, p-5-p, magnesium and folate are the basic supplements people have to get. Droit and mario vitali are the guys who have been into this the most.

D) progesterone cream and pregnenolone. Again there are enough people who have recovered with these so its not neglectable. There is something going on with progesterone receptors, neurosteroid synthesis etc. nobody really knows and if you tell a doctor that a man is taking prog cream, he would be greatly concerned. It raises estrogen, decreases dht, makes your penis go numb etc. theoritically its a no no but again it must be fixng something related to neurosteroid activity. It helps for sleeping better and also makes you feel less diconnected. I suggest reading all Late’s thread as there are people reporting both positive and also very negative results, so be careful…

I believe this is the way that this forum has evolved into covering all angles for recovery. Keep in mind that the users that have recovered have used only one method. I suggest starting as they appear from A to D and not implementing all together at the same time. This way you can understand the changes and possibly be safe from any negative effects. Also the logic behind this is that you make your body more adjustable with fasting, then clean your diet and fix your digestive system, eliminate any pathogens etc. Then begin the methylation protocol and within a month positive effects are likely to show. After the optimisation of the body, D, is the one that will provide coverage for neurotransmitters. There are many people who believe that without brain balance, no recovery can be achieved.

Finally, do not spend your money on many supplements. They do little difference. But if you want to try i suggest:

  1. high quality tribulus with high percentage of protodioscin. Tribulus enhances libido, mood, energy, and also raise LH levels.
  2. high quality omega 3. Use large doses, 6-7 grams of fish oil per day, split.
  3. amino acids. Beware of cheap body building supplements, spend some more amd get the ones that people buy for boosting neurotransmitters. Map amino acids is one good example.
  4. iodine. Get the ones that come in liquid form and are high concentrated. Start with low dose and go up day by day. Iodine is beneficial for the thyroid, and there are also positive reviews by people here.
  5. carnitine. I do not think it is so important and you must experiment with which type is best for you. There is alcar, mostly beneficial for brain function, tartrate which studies mention that it activates the androgen receptor, fumarate which is good for fat metabolism and cardio etc.
    The reason carnitine gets to the list is to cover the mitochondria issues which we might have got from pfs. This is just a theory and do not expect miracles.
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What about exercise? Seems like you forgot the most important bit. All this nonsense about methylation cycles and gut/parasites, has never cured anyone IMO, and taking large amounts of B and D and other vitamins sounds dangerous to me.

What people really need IMO is to get in the gym and do as much as they can, start slowly but short intense bursts of high intensity exercise, anyone(Well most CDnuts/Chi etc) who has claimed recovery has said exercise is the backbone of their success.

When I crashed I couldn’t manage any exercise now I’m seeing huge benefits.

I mentioned exercise and how important it is. You just didnt read it well.
Also, the purpose of this thread is to summarize what has worked for people who say they have recovered.
Its not very convenient for us to critisize any method as nonsense, we might start to sound like the doctors who believe our condition is nonsense. Remember everything is possible, since nobody knows whats going on.
This is not a fantasy thread. It is about methods people used and got better. Simple as that.

OK, I just thought exercise should be the number one thing to improve our lives, sorry for any offence, it just seems like people are so desperate to find a cure, they are believing in things like parasites being responsible for this whole mess we are in.

No offence taken man. You believe tha Chi recovered and you mentioned that he did it through exercise. Actually Chi also followed the B method and he also mentioned bacteria. And i repeat that since nobody has a definite answer for the problem, everything is possible. I ll give you an example: we know that most serotonin is produced in the GI. Serotonin and dopamine are two major neurotransmitters regulating so many things i cant even stress to talk about. Those two have to be in balance, thats why doctors suggest taking tyrosine (boosting dopamine) along with 5htp ( boosting serotonin) and not one by itself. Who in here is eligible of stating that reduced serotonin production due to pathogens impairing the GI, does not affect neurosteroid balance, leading to a chain reaction which causes a specific symptom for example?
The best thing we can do is to observe, research and attempt. Not excluding theories which sound crazy in a crazy syndrome where penis curvature and muscle wastage happens overnight! Only we know that this is possible, if you mention this to any doctor in the world they would laugh.

I guess I’m just scared of doing anything that might make me even worse than I am now. I probably should try some of these idea’s, if they are helping others, may be I would benefit too.

I am having an unbelievable rebound affect from progesterone which I crashed on just 2 months ago. the only common from the recoveries are time and most people who now claim recovery seem to relax, focused on total health, some exercise, and a strong belief that they would get better. I believe after 2 years of this crap, I can see that the cycles are getting better and less intense. I think I know what happened to us, and give time (maybe years unfortunately) we can turn the corner on this dreadful syndrome

This is a theory thread, feel free to express your thoughts on what you think is going on.

Costa do you think low vitamin b12 levels are a possible explanation.

So far there is a thread under theories called did fin astride cause low vitamin b12 levels.

I am going to be making a new thread called:

Did low vitamin b12 levels combined with taking DHT inhibiters cause PFS

My logic in my theory is this:

Vitamin b12 helps body produce new cells and DNA

If a person was low on vitamin b12 at the time they took a drug that attacks their 5AR type 2 enzyme is it possible that these two factors combined caused us to experience PFS because of the fact that are body’s could not reproduce the enzyme because of are lack of ample b12.

About the low B12. Would there be a higher number of vegetarians/low meat eaters among PFS victims in that case? I’m a veggie and have seen a few others indicate the same on their profiles.


I think the good thing about looking into any connection with vitamin b12 I’d say that I’m pretty sure vitamin b12 levels is something we can find in all of are labs. Meaning if members are willing to think about when they had blood work don’t at a physical or doctors appointment around the time their pfs started they can go track down those results and see what their vitamin b12 levels where at.

This should deserve some evaluation.
Well integrated.

Gotta say all the talk of B-vitamins makes me nervous. I had a VERY bad experience with high-dose B-vitamins as did a few others. Made me MUCH worse off sexually but eventually got back to baseline.

Exercise though I couldn’t be without. :slight_smile:

yea,demethylation products like vitB might make some worse.Until trying,we never know what happens to ours.