Coulde be beta blockers make my crash worse?

I was using beta blockers when i take propecia, could this cause a reaction or something? I was using this for tachicardia. Did anyone take this with propecia? My crash was worst and i have all sides. I wonder if you take it too…

Who knows? I took antibiotics that seemed to correlate with my crash, and a couple of others have said the same, but the majority opinion is no. The only common thread is propecia. I think alpha blockers, as opposed to beta blockers, were helping people, though? You could do a search for it.

Yeah i heard alpha blockers is helping sexual sides. My priority is neurological sides though. I cant take it anymore.

i take two different week take antibiotic than after more than one week i crash and after crash tree week i only libido problem than others happen sleep Penis wricled and dry skin and other